Chapter 35 : Coochie man [S] [F]

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The second the hoodie is off, Clay is sitting up, both hands on my ass, holding me flush to his body, latching his mouth to my neck with an insistency.

I feel my breath hitch, hands shooting up to thread into his hair as I feel the all too familiar sensation of his tongue, hot on my throat. It's too easy to lose myself in it, tilting my chin back and taking shuddered breaths as he nips at the skin.

"I was- ah-" I inhale sharply as Clay's mouth tightens down, sucking to bruise. My eyes start to roll back, fluttering.

I was trying to reward him, but I'm the one getting worked right now.

"Let me-" I gasp as his hips lift, pressing his now hard cock directly between my legs and rolling.

I have to pull Clay's hair, getting him off my neck. Still, he fights it, moving for me. I feel bold. I drop a hand from his hair and wrap it around his throat, pushing, forcing him to pause his movement.

"Let me fucking speak." I bite out, catching my breath.

Clay finally stops, lowering his eyes and leaning back, looking up and down my body. He lifts a hand to my hip, dips his thumb into my waistband, then finally looks at my face.

"Go ahead." He says, low, quiet, commanding.

It makes me involuntarily moan. An immediate smug smile spreads his face. I'm doing such a bad job keeping any semblance of control.

"I want-" I start, squeezing his neck and dropping to rock my hips into his lap. "To make you feel good." I lean closer. "So be a good boy. Lay down. And let me."

Clay lifts his brows, then grabs my forearm, pulling my hand off his throat. He tilts his face into it, holding me steady and kissing my wrist. I feel myself stutter to a stop, suddenly too nervous to take control while his eyes are locked to mine like this.

But, it doesn't matter.

Clay drops my arm, leans back, pulls his shirt off,
then lays down, both hands resting on my hips. He keeps rocking under me, getting friction, but it's all slow, leisurely.

It's permission.

I plant both hands to his stomach, steadying myself as I lift onto my knees. Once up, I hook my thumbs into the waistband of the fishnets and my panties. I get them just down my hips before Clay's hands are on mine, pausing my movement.

"I want these to stay on." He says, voice even, pulling the fishnets back up.

I roll my eyes. "What? You gonna tear a hole for your dick?" I tease, then start to push them down again. I don't make it far before Clay's sitting up.

"Let me get it." He mumbles, so I pause, lifting my hands to his shoulders, letting him.

I watch, surprised as he picks up and flips open the pocket knife I brought, breath hitching. He's really gonna-

My brain melts as Clay pushes a hand between my legs, briefly palming me over my underwear, before his fingers hook into the fishnet and pull it down. I tighten my hands on his shoulders, feeling myself tense as he pushes forward with the knife, right between my legs, slowly slicing through the fishnets.

He pushes a little too far forward, and the tip of the knife catches on the fabric of my underwear.

"Sorry-" Clay says as I moan.

I immediately feel my face flush with heat, shying away as his eyes flick up to meet mine. He pushes it forward again, pressing between my legs feather light. I swallow, rough, but it's not enough to stop the second moan. Clay's eyebrows go up.

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