Chapter 6 : One throne for two

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Chapter 6 : One throne for two

The information of the death of the King made quickly its way through the Underground, just as the holding of the extraordinary Council to decide who was going to succeed to Asgore. The judgement hall was crowded, and Sans and Toriel were struggling to cross the mass of monsters clumped in the tight room. Some were crying, others were screaming their anger. Without the old queen interference, Sans, already considered as the one who let the kid reach the throne, would have probably be dusted. Despite the fear, he tried to stay stolid. He was already disgusted by the rapidity which all services he rendered to the society had been forgotten in a finger snap, just because of some unfounded rumors. He hoped the situation would be more calm in Snowdin. The people's town knew them for a long time now, but he was scared that Papyrus couldn't get home safely. Discreetly, he send a text message to Grillby and asked him to go check on his brother.

By chance, however, for now, he was not the main attraction. The personality who was walking next to him attracted the attention more. Her name traveled the crowd and by the time they reached the castle doors, everyone knew who she was. Toriel stayed neutral and disconnected of what people were saying. Sans admired her calm, since he was on the contrary at his breaking point. He was slowly realising he was only a very small skeleton delivered to far more bigger monsters than him and his survival instinct kept yelling after him to find a hole, burry in it and wait for the storm to pass.

At the end of the corridor, some sentries and royal guards struggled to push many too curious monsters that were trying to enter the throne. Toriel gently push the ones who were blocking their way. The guards quickly noticed her and helped to free the way. Behind the soldiers' hurdle, Gerson, who spotted them, waited for them to arrive.

"Eh, what a mess !" he exclaimed. "I didn't witness such upheaval since we moved out of the Ruins ! You have a talent to make the youngsters prattle, your Highness."

"Mister Gerson !" smiled Toriel. "I am so glad to see you. You seemed still well for you age, old pirate."

"We make go, we make go. That's very sad what happened to the big guy." he clutched while walking towards the throne room with them. "I honestly thought he would be the one to spread my dust, not the contrary. Do you know what happened ?"

"We don't know." she answered. "But we are certain that Frisk didn't do it."

"Oh, I know that. The small rascal stopped in my shop not so long ago. They bought all my trinkets, I'm good for bankruptcy. We talked about the History of Humans and Monsters too. They're a nice little guy. I made the war, you know, and small rascal like this doesn't raise a hand on monarchs."

"We have the same opinion." Toriel answered, pointing Sans with the hand.

The old turtle adjusted his glasses to watch at the small skeleton better.

"Oh ! But I know who you are ! You are the brother of that loud skeleton who is always running after my little Undyne, are you not ? Did we met before ?"

"Yes, Gerson..." he answered in a sigh. "I'm the Judge for fifteen years now and you are saying that to me every time. I'm starting to feel a bit bonely by now." he added dramatically.

Toriel chuckled, and Sans winked to her, so proud of himself. Gerson had these memory problems for years now, Sans was used to hear him rambling the same thing over and over again. If the old turtle seemed to know Papyrus well, Sans' face still not entered his head, even if he was seeing him more often than his brother. He wasn't upset about this, though. Gerson was one of the last soldiers still alive after the Great War. If someone could make the difference today, it was him. Even if he kinda raised Undyne, he knew Toriel when she was still ruling the Underground and was still very loyal to the royal family. Sans hoped he would take side for her once again.

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