I felt fireworks, my stomach went insane... It was perfect. Wait what the hell am i talking about i just kissed my best friend. Or he kissed me but, ether way i enjoyed it! I pulled away and looked at him. He was smiling i couldn't help but smile too. He went in for a second and i let him. Woah woah woah what am i doing. I pulled away again and ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me. "Keira let me in." I heard Ross say knocking on the door. "Come on we need to talk about what just happened." He said softly. I slid down the door and face/palmed myself. What the hell am i doing. I can't be in a relationship with my best friend. At least i think i can't. I would change everything. But, is that bad or good. All the sudden i heard the front door close and then a ladder thump against the side of the house. Before i knew it Ross had climbed in the window and was hugging me. "What just happened?" I asked him looking directly at him. "I don't know...exactly." He said looking in my eyes. "How can you not know exactly?" I asked him now very confused. "Well the first kiss i did because i just couldn't help myself. You just looked so beautiful." He said the last part while looking down. "Ok 1) we'er not a one direction song so don't say that i was so beautiful when i was crying. And 2) What about the second kiss?" I said with a straight face. "Well i never realized that one direction had a song like that." He said chuckling. "What about the second kiss." I said still looking straight at him. He didn't answer. "Well." I said waiting for the answer. "I just..." He started then sighed. I crossed my arms."It's just that the first one felt so right." He said really fast. I was speechless. "I've had a crush on you sense we became friends." He said looking at me. "Ummm." That was all i could make out of my mouth. i looked into his eyes. He was telling me the truth. Remembering all the things we've been through i just hugged him and kissed him again. He picked me up and unlocked the door. Took me into my room and set me down on the bed. We started kissing passionately me got on top of me without breaking the kiss. Just the i heard Caitlyn yell "I'M HOME!"
Ross immediately got off of me. We fixed our cloths and hair and sat up on my bed pretending that we were playing on our phones. "Hey, what happened to you guys today i had to walk." Caitlyn said sort of annoyed. "Sorry, I had a bad day and Ross came home with me." I said trying to stay cool. "Oh well at least send me a text next time so i can ask Kyle for a ride." She said less annoyed. "Ok i promise." I told her. "I'm going to the beach be back by 4." She told us walking down the hallway. "Ok see you later." I yelled. Me and Ross exchanged glances then broke out in laughter. "That was close." He said gasping for breath. "Sure was." I said between laughing fits. When we finally stopped laughing Ross looked at me. "So where do you think we were going before?" He asked me very seriously. "I had no idea." I said laying back down on my bed. Ross layed down next to me. I took out me phone and actually looked at it. I had a bunch of messages from Caitlyn and some of my other friends. I turned off my phone and threw it next to me. I put my head on Ross' chest and all i remember next was falling asleep listening to his breathing.
I woke up still on Ross' chest he was asleep too. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time it was 6:00. My mom was home so were all of my siblings. I woke up Ross and we went downstairs. My mom was making dinner, Kyle and Kevan were sitting on the couch watching MTV. Caitlyn sat there too but instead of looking at the T.V. she was staring at us. She smirked and pulled me and Ross into the basement/gameroom. "So when did it happen?" She asked us excited. "Me and Ross exchanged glances i could tell we were both equally confused. "What are you talking about?" Ross asked her. "You know very well what i'm talking about. When did you start dating?" She said to us smiling. I could feel myself blushing. "Umm..." I started to say but i was cut off by Caitlyn. "Don't even think about lieing i have proof." She said pulling out her phone revealing a picture of my sleeping on Ross. Now it was Ross turn to blush. "Ok we started dating today but please don't tell anyone." I told her. "I won't don't worry i've been waiting for this forever." She said deleting the picture. I felt worry go away. Ross looked at me and told me with his eyes that he was happy too. Just then mom yelled for dinner.
After dinner sense mom let Ross stay she said "Ross, honey don't you have to get home?" "My parents and siblings are on vacation but i wanted to stay sense i didn't want to go to New York i've already been there." He said."Oh so your all alone?" She said looking between me and Ross. "Yup" he said noticing where she was looking. "Well you can stay with us until they come home. We can put the blow up mattress in Keira's room sense it's so big." "That'd be awesome. Thanks mom." He says mom because he's here so often mom just told him to call her that. "No problem. Kyle go get the blow up mattress from the garage." She said. I heard Kyle grumble something the disappear out the door. Then it hit me mom is letting a boy stay in my room and doesn't care. It's also for a whole month. "CAITLYN!!!!" I yelled getting up form the table. She started running and laughing at the same time. She knew why i was chasing her. Ross eventually caught on and went the other way to trap her. My mom was sitting there laughing her butt off. When we caught Caitlyn I punched her in the arm. We all laughed afterwards. Then we went upstairs to bed and Ross' bed was all set up on the floor. Of course that's not where he slept though. He slept with me in the bed. All wrapped up i said "Goodnight." He kissed me forehead and said goodnight as well. I fell right asleep.
Well there you go i told you i'd give you an extra long chapter hope you liked it.