Crimson Light 091 has arrived, where are we heading commander.

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(A/N: To save our mother Earth from any alien attack. From vicious giant insects who have once again come back. We'll  unleash all our forces! we won't cut them any slack! The EDF deploys!

EDF 4.1 is great.)

"-And we also found traces of the gate inside Tokyo, sir. It'll appear there soon, so, we aren't in the start of the timeline still." The Lance Corporal  finished his report.
"Looks like we'll have to stay inside this bunker base for now, we shouldn't reveal ourselves until it begins, we could make excuses for our unknown arrival. Like we appeared in a now destroyed gate due to our government fearing what it had after losing contact with us...well, some of that is true." Executioner stated.
"Why don't you just call a team of Hunters and have them gather intel inside the city?
"Helios, where the hell do we hide 5 soldiers genetically modified and equipped with specialized equipment made to keep them alive and the exo-suits they are required to wear per USM regulations?"
"Well, guess we have no choice other than to wait."

"This bunker sucks."
"OCL force's are also with you." A 7'5 tall OCL Field Director, in a full black uniform along with a gasmask that had red lens, codenamed 'Crimsons Hand', stated.
"Ah, great to see you on board Omega." Executioner greeted him.
"Ja, Und Guten Tag Kommändant Helios." Omega walked into a OCL AHC-2.
(A/N: i am horrible at doing long chapters if you didn't notice by now, which is why i stick to 500-600 word one's.)

-Separating visual, OCL cams entered, have a very safe day-


-6:30 PM-
"CH to TACAI, i see roman ripoffs. RoE? Jawhol, ED-O1. Moving into combat zone." Omega jumped onto a soldier, crushing his bones, and turning the head to paste.

"One-Two entering line of sight, hold fire." 4 OCL Soldier's entered the light, and spread into a line upon the road.
"Hostile swordsmen front, 78 meters! Fire at will!" It seemed all of the OCL soldier's also had M249's, and gunned down the enemy.

"CH requesting AHC-2 deployment on my side, I'm detecting Wyverns."
-Affirm, dispatching AHC-2's, standby...ETA 30 seconds-
"One-Two take the road to the palace, secure the civilians and make sure none of these hostiles survive." The 4 OCL Soldier's saluted, and began sprinting down the road.

"Let's see how a Wyvern can deal with a Field Director...Für Das Vaterland!" He used his CL2-E Exo-Skeleton to, jump onto a Wyvern, shoot its head with a railgun, and then ram it into another Wyvern, then a swarm of micro missiles hit the other hostiles in the area.
"AHC-2's have arrived, Field Director, initiating ourselves into combat." 4 Armored Heavy Carriers (A/N: basically what happens when you mount a 120mm cannon onto an APC, give it a tank hull, and make it carry 2 squads of 6.) positioned themselves on the road, deploying 8 squads of OCL Grunts, which had M16A4's.
They all aimed at the surviving enemies and.....

Executed them all.
(A/N you thought i was gonna cliffhanger the ending, but no! It was I! M8A2Executioner!)

To be continued. . .

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