USM deployment authorized

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10:57 AM.
'Begin phase 2.' -The Auditor

"-The world has been dumbfounded at how such a force had not been found, local news networks are attempting to gather information at this time."

"There are two different organizations it seems fighting these 'fantasy' troop's, while we don't know how they got here, we do know one looks suspiciously like US marine's. The USA is refusing all responsibility stating it is not apart of the USMC."

"This so called 'OCL', judging by the patches on some of these soldiers arms, seem to not be the only ones fighting. There are reports of mechanized infantry from a different force arriving...they seem to have advanced M1 Abrams with railguns?"

"Attention OCL troops, USM deployment authorized. Prepare for mechanized force's to assist you in this place."

"M8A1 Bulldozer's in position, ready to tear down some walls!"

"M8A2 Executioner Model MBRT HQ Tank has arrived on scene, mechanized infantry dismounting."

"Alpha 1-2 get the second fireteam to the left side, I'll get to the right side with the rest of our squad." 9 squads dismounted from M3A8's, spreading across several zone's of engagement.

"Alpha 2-1 in position, firing upon unknowns!"

"Orcs right side again attacking Alpha 6-2! Get the 17.2mm M3B2 on that flank!"

4 M8A1 Bulldozer's went through two walls on each side, the 20mm auto cannon atop the turret began firing, the threat wasn't high enough for 145mm howitzers....yet

"Armored support is here, finally! We were beginning to think you forgot the USM Marines here. Get one of the M8A1's to the right side, they are suffering the highest resistance currently. Good luck to all of you!"

"The Auditor wants these sacks of flesh dealt with, now. Simple medieval era troops shouldn't be this hard to deal with. Get. It. Done."
"Yes, ED-O2."

"Wait, is it just me or did the OCL deploy a Crimson Guardian?" One of the USM Captains pointed to a 23 foottall mechanical walker, gunning down the enemy with a 30mm auto cannon and 3 14.7mm sentry turrets.
"Damn, how long do you think they will survive? I'm going with 4 minutes."
"I agree with you."
"Our minds think alike-"


(A/N: wait how did you get here?)

(The Auditor: Classified)

(A/N: Cool?)

The single Crimson Walker used a mininuke with a controlled explosion to destroy the rest of the enemy.
"Well, secure the gate! Move!" The combined OCL and USM, and ...less cautious JSDF soldiers went to secure the gate.
"Sir, we secured the gate."
"Thank you for stating the obvious private, now get me a reality anchor so this doesn't close unexpectedly. Wouldn't want a certain infiltrator to break the gateway now do we?"
(A/N: equipment usage that can possibly bring back a shard of The Auditor foreshadowing. Ding! +1 sin.)
"Yes sir!" The private pulled oth a reality anchor and activated it.

"Well, off to build a base with these builders?" The certain Mercenary Company Crimson Light founder said, staring at the 4 Rusted Warfare builders.

(A/N: 1873 gun level 70 with all attachments is cursed, I'll only reveal the first time i used attachments on it.)


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Still here? Nothing is gonna happen.

"The OCL is doing well, once enough death happens i shall return to the mortal plane." The Auditor stated.

(A/N: you've encountered an easter egg, find out all clues to unlock the hidden lore function Gordon!)

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