Orbital Defense Satellite uplink established.

25 0 0

"Sir, our first spaceborn structure has been established, all anti orbital and anti planetary system's online, anti capital ship weapon's will arrive the next day, then anti frigate and anti gunship/fighter flak missile's and flak cannons."

"And our ships?"
"Heavy Destroyer UMS Spirit's Sword and Frigate UMS Central are here, along with 64k ICUSM marines inside UMS Spirit's Sword."
"So half of a small patrol fleet."
"Yes sir."

"All unit's be advised, biological weapons have been authorized. Release a sample of 'PROJECT SWARM' into the enemies water supply city."

"What!? Is HC mad! That sample can kill the entire planet if it isn't controlled correctly!"
"Why do you think we have UMS Spirit's Sword? They have enough firepower to blast apart this planet within two minutes, not counting void torpedoes that can simply delete the planet instantly. Counting if we don't evacuate you all, that is."

A single pod crashed into the city, a group of 'knights' went to investigate it, only for three horse sized fully organic drone's, with armored exo-skeletons to spring out, these creatures began to rip apart the city with pincers, hell, they even had bloody wings.

A single rat sized scavenger drone exited the pod, burrowing itself into a corpse, soon expanding itself into a small hive, which would no doubt devour or convert the entire city with time.

"All unit's be advised, PS outbreak in Sector H2945S2X8. Avoid all zones near it while we quarantine the zone in a 430 kilometer radius. All unit's caught inside the zone will be left behind, spec ops, or black ops, are not saveable either."

"Oh. They actually dropped a pod...."
"Yeah the empire's screwed, no one's dumb enough to try invading an entire infested planet, hell, we have to actually cleanse planets in orbital fire just to contain small outbreaks..."
"Just the small one's?"
"Yeah, they can infest entire multiverses or even omniverses if given time."
"How many omniverses are infested?"

"Firestone 1-1 taking heavy arrow fire, our infantry support can't remount without having the enemy cavalry rushing inside our vic's!"
"Firestone 3-2's dead! They just ate the entire thing! Get AA flak missile's loaded NOW!"

"UMS Central entering the zone, standby."
"A frigate? This has got to be the best news I've heard! There's wyverns swarming our position, someone baited this location. I need heavy weapons to take them down."
"Can't you just....use the railgun?"
"They are too fast, and can hover over us, so, no, i can't."
"Alright, loading HAASMMCG."

A massive blue blast was seen in the sky, lucky wyverns thrown to the ground by the shockwave, the many, MANY unlucky one's? Vaporized, not even ash was left.

"Damn....we've got 7 KIA, 2 MIA, and around 14 wounded."
"Solid copy, Firestone Actual. Medical transports will arrive T-2 minutes."

"Cool, some lizards got burnt."
"Huh? I was too busy collecting souls to see what was happening, did they win already?"
"Yeah, they used the very specifically named and used missile that TOTALLY 'can't' kill a 1.3 thousand kilometer long Corvette equivalent from the void."

(Not gonna lie, i expected to make more chaos, then remembered my very specific missile name and accidentally killed every wyvern with a dice roll. That's DnD logic for you.

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