Reality destabilized, extract. (Final chapter?)

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(A/N: here we go, lads.
Remember, no prisoners. )

"SS-17B? Where the fuck did that come from?"
"Sir, the void is slowly breaching containment near here. We need to evacuate immediately."

"Fuck...recall all unit's to the FOB's and await transportation to the next omniverse, we can't afford specifics, it'll have to be a blind jump. Alert the JSDF, tell them of how fucked they are if they don't leave RIGHT NOW!"

Alarms echoed throughout the many ships near the planet, even the bases on the ground.

It was not unnoticed by the JSDF who were soon contacted and, told to withdraw back to earth before utter annihilation occurs from unknown entity's.

The native 'empire' thought this was a chance to strike back, but.

That wasn't ever going to happen.

"This sector is compromised, ignore the natives, focus on getting to these coordinates."

The ships in space had a easier time,
People on the ground didn't have that time.

"Five rift's are about to rip into this reality in three minutes! Prepare the Giper missile's!"

"Are you insane!? That will turn this planet to dust!"

"It's better than a pointless stru-" the man was silenced by the other who, now held a high caliber pistol.

"FUCK THAT! We have orders! I expect you all to follow them! We can't afford to break apart because of some reality  bending shits we've fought for EONS! Tell me, WHO ARE WE! We are marines! We fought where other's would run! We kill GODS! Being's we believed to be all powerful! Yet, did we run or kill ourselves? FUCK NO! We stood our ground, we developed, we FOUGHT BACK! If we die, then let it be in a blaze of GLORY! Let it be with us holding the line, or die with the enemy! Now, who's with me!?" With a good speech and, slight modifications of these marines minds, the commander actually managed to rally them back up, in high morale.

"Rifts arriving in one minute, we only need thirty seconds after they appear, HOLD THE LINE AND OUR SACRIFICES SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN! Men, we will be remembered for saving our brothers, let us see this to the end!" By now, they had gathered over a thousand marines ready to combat; obviously such numbers is laughable to god killers, but these weren't any normal marines.
They were generation 2 super-soldiers.
And god won't do all the work himself.

The moment the rifts opened, they broke apart, the ICUSM actually managed to prevent a breach for once.... what would have been said, if millions more did not open the moment they did that, making the last stand seem even more hopeless.
And as if to spit in the faces of these men.

They sent Void Guardian's.
In a moment, 7 tanks already got reduced to a wreck,
In a moment, half of these men were dead.

And in that moment, the commander had activated the Giper missile self destruct code, realizing it was indeed, hopeless.

But, if it truly was, he will still fight.

"Come and get me, you soulless husks." Managing to activate his armor before all this, he actually managed to harm one, HARM ONE, that wasn't enough, unfortunately.

And so, he activated the particle barrier, using it offensively to make the fight even-

And yet, more kept coming.

He had killed thousands, and they still come.

"Well....i admit i might be a hypocrite, but, at least i had the spirit to fight on, eh?" And then, in a flash, all other bases escaped....

.....and this planet, was reduced to dust.

All that was left behind, was the left gauntlet of the commander.

Total death count: complete ICUSM combat unit wipe.
Void losses: 0% combat effectiveness lost.

And so, a single dot remained.....

(A/N: as much as i wanted to give the ICUSM a fighting chance, there is absolutely zero chances of them winning in a direct fight in that state.

Well. I suppose that's the end of this story.
Gods were killed.
Lives were lost.

And the planet, fell before the marine's did.
That sounded like Cadia actually.

May the nameless commander rest in peace.)

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