Down the Riddled Rabbit Hole

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Elliot, Jayden, and Lilith, armed with various items and armor looked down the hole. Making strategies and plans for hopping in and confronting the dragon.

"I got the cushioning charm," Elliot called dibs. They all agreed with him, he gets all A's for tests on charms and transfiguration. So it's only natural that he goes for it.

They hop in one by one. Lilith went first with her defensive skills, Elliot went second to activate the charm, and Jayden followed behind as she took out the healing potions in case of a bad accident.

They were freefalling but oddly calm as Elliot cast the cushioning charm. They all simultaneously floated down the hole as They all cast Lumos.

The dark and humid cave was partly lit as they looked around and took into account their surroundings. The trio looked down and took note of dagger-like rocks and how to use the environment for fighting. They were methodical in walking cautiously towards the falling waters and waterfalls that protected the red-tinted dragon with gold-tipped scales.

"Remember we get in, get the scales and get the hell out of there. There is no way in hell that we can take that dragon down." Elliot warned as they agreed with their preplanned strategy.

It took a good minute for them to finally find the spacious, sprawling sunlit waterfalls and river. It was beautiful, with toads, plants growing between the plants, and various crystals. It was a paradise.

"Holy shit." Elliot took out his phone and took a good picture before advancing. But the first step summoned the dragon as the dragon flew out.

The dragon leaned down and examined the trio. It leaned down and looked at Lilith with curious eyes. She slowly patted the Dragons snout. It was curious. Like it hasn't seen Humans for more than a century.

Then, graciously, it bit off the scales and dragged them towards them. The trio was surprised.

"That's anti climatic." Jayden complained, eager to fight the dragon but highly disappointed to miss the opportunity. She was brandishing her spear during the travel. Such a shame to her.

Suddenly, the dragon grew down in a sudden shapeshifter move and revealed... A teenager.
"What the actual fuck-" He had bright golden hair, which was long. He wore Greek era clothing. And was surprisingly happy and jovial.

"Hi Hi! Thank you for finding me! The witch cursed me and the scales absorbed the curse before my sentience turned into a dragon instinct! The scales dispelled the curses as soon as you touched them! My name is Adonis Merryweather, and I've been here since the Greek era. Praytell, what year is it?

"That is so awesome! I can't wait to see your school, the greeks developed a magical system too! It's so long since I had friends." He noted how they were still in their school uniforms.

The trio was confused and super surprised. But Lilith grinned, loving his optimistic energy, she patted him on the shoulder.

With a flick of his sharp nails, a golden-red portal opened, showing the potions class.

"Sorry, using your blood connection, this is the only way to go into the school. I hope you don't mind."

They stepped through the portal.


The class turned to them. Impressed, odd, and totally in awe, they crowd over Adonis.
Adonis looked subtly different. He had scaled skin, dark red eyes, sharp teeth, and semi-sharp nails. He was dressed in a nonrevealing greek styled, golden-edged outfit. With a dragon and a printed logo on the back of his drapery. It was obvious that he held an aristocratic status in the greek era. But he was humble and never acted like he was above people. Everyone took a liking to him. Absolutely everyone. He takes to the Hufflepuff vitures pretty well. 

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING LILITH GINERVA POTTER MALFOY!" Draco bellowed in a furious matter as he met the eyes of the taller boy. He was instantly threatened, flexing his wand hand and getting ready to fight. But he was at ease as the boy gave him a cheery, warm smile. The same smile of Cedric Diggory, the fallen spare. Draco seemed happy, to find an interesting boy, that seem to survive throughout the centuries and became a historical case. Hermione, Potter, Tom, and Morgan will study him until they get all they have, this boy is an anomaly, history preserved in one boy. One happy and agreeable boy.

"Hi, Mr. Malfoy! Your darling daughter saved me from a curse! Isn't she so cool! You and Mr. Potter, did I say that right? Raised her well." He went towards the cooling down Draco.

He shook both of his hands.

"Thank you very much, sir. If you didn't I would meet your fair, beautiful and gracious daughter."

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