•16• ᴘʀᴏᴜᴅ ᴍᴀʀʏ

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I ignored the bright lights in my face and raised up in my bed. Josephine rushed to my side frantically. I smiled at her as she kissed my face repeatedly. "You crazy son of a bitch" She whispered with a soft shuddery breath, making me  push her away with my available arm. "Let me breathe" I laughed as she sighs, shutting her eyes, backing up. "Joseph left to go shower. I should probably go call him." She says in a shaky tone. " Where's everyone else?"

"On a witch hunt"

Josephine exits the room and I sit up further. I grab my phone and look at myself through my camera. No scars on my face? My finger grazes my beauty Mark on the left side of my lips. I try to push my baby hairs down. I looked towards the door and placed my phone down relaxing. Cool. The nurse walks in and sets a juice to my table. "How soon can I get out of here?" I ask as she looks at her chart. I continue to check myself out as she explains my injuries. "Sounds great" I reply but look in the direction of the door as it swings open. I cover my mouth with a blanket to hide my laughter. He looked like fucking Sherlock Holmes with that long ass coat and damp hair. A grey shirt clung to his body. Joseph rushed into the room with his hair damp and clothes clinging to his body. "Some shower you had"

"Hey are you ok?" he asked, running in the room coming to my side. "I'm fine" I said, assuring him while rolling my eyes watching as he smiles just before the nurse says "I'll leave you two to talk" he chuckles until he  completely drops his phony grin as he sees the nurse leave the room. I knew he was pissed. Just didn't know how much until he pulled a knife to my throat. I dropped my jaw in shock. I had no idea little joey had this in him. I let out an audible gasp.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He exclaims looking at me with crazy eyes and a hoarse dry voice that would crack occasionally. It was kind of cute. " You could've been seriously fucking hurt. That was so dumb of you. You think you're fucking invincible or some shit. Romina I swear on everything I love if you ever pull some stupid shit like that again"he stopped speaking once he noticed my heart rate go up. The monitor began to beep like crazy. Don't get me wrong I should be scared of a knife. I wasn't. But this particular position I was in. I kinda liked it..

"Fuck I'm sorry are you ok"he asked worrisome putting the knife away and placing his hand on my lower back and his right on my face sitting besides me. "Oh I'm fine." I smiled trying to ignore the increased heart beats. In more than one place.

"Are you serious? '' he yelled, standing up abruptly as I raised my shoulders, shrugging nonchalantly. "I'm sitting here yelling and mad at you and you're getting turned on"

I rolled my eyes before crawling towards him. Making my way to the edge of the bed before kneeling "What can I say. You look so fuckable in that coat" I place my hands on both sides of his shoulders, rubbing them before bringing them to his neck. I felt his body relax immensely at the slightest of my touch. "I wanna take you out someday. Somewhere nice where we can pretend to be two normal people."

"Normal's overrated Tesoro" Joseph brings his hand to my cheek and leaning into my body. His other hands rests on my lower back. Occasionally trailing up and down my spine.

I give him a sullen look, making him suck his teeth and sigh. "I suppose it would be nice to be normal for a day."

I give his chest a playful shove and let him pull me into a cozy embrace. My ear rested against his chest. I smiled to myself hearing his heartbeat as fast as mine.

He backs up slowly and sits besides me. Pulling me into his lap. He looks up at me. I know the next words that come out his mouth won't be I or love you. Instead I fear it would be something far worse. He hands me his phone as I stare at the white screen.

"Baby your dad, he's been up to some kind of lab experiment."

I look at the pictures of disfigured people. Animals hurt. The dogs. The poor dogs. A scene not worth describing as I felt sick to my stomach. The next picture made my heart drop. My head began to spin. Suddenly I felt as if the Walls were slowly caving in on me. Forcing me to an undesirable death.

"So far he has made no progress. But the bit that he has, it's revolutionary. Our fate rests in the hands of a maniac."

"What does this experiment do?" I whispered beneath my breath feeling overwhelmed as I awaited his answer

"It alters the brain. It can take away or restore memories. Messing with the temporal lobe."

"What does this have to do with him?"

"Your dad needs the code to Expodus"

"And the only person who has it is dead"I mutter looking at the photo of my brother's corpse. A single Star carved on his skull. For my brother's body to be in this condition. Not rotten or pure bone. It would mean my father didn't just start this overnight. He's been working on this for years.

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