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Peppers pov

We rushed into the hospital while getting a lot of gasps and looks while we waited in line at the front desk. "What room is Peter Parker at" Tony said with a little aggression "floor 3 room 347" the desk Man said.

We rushed to the elevator and I heard Tony curse under his breath something about the slow elevator. We got to off the elevator and ran to Peters room, there was a doctor in there and when she saw us her eyes widened like she saw a ghost. She left the room and smiled at us and I nodded and smiled back while Tony paid no attention to her and only to the kid.

We sat down in the chairs and I held Peters hand while my eyes got teary. "Hey Peter, you wouldn't know me but umm- I- I'm Mrs. boss lady from the group chats, we have all been worried sick about you. Tony wouldn't stop trying to track your phone like the stalker he is and the bird hasn't came out of the vents all week" "we all miss you and your funny chats that make all of our days please wake up honey, please we need you"

Peters pov

I heard a woman talking I didn't recognize her voice but I swear I've heard it somewhere. Some where on the news I think, huh strange. She started talking and she said she was Mrs. boss lady!! "Mrs. Boss Lady I'm here!! Please listen to me!! Help me!! I'm stuck!" "Why can't anyone hear me I can't be brain dead!"

I heard some sniffles that weren't hers so she want alone, it sounded like 2 or 3 others were with her. She was holding my hand and she was crying and had a breaky voice when she was talking to me "cmon Peter please just wake up we all need you and your entertainment" she said that lastly and stood up.

Right when the door opened I heard someone walking towards me, they put a hand on my head and started playing with my hair. It felt like a man's hand "please wake up kid" I knew that voice. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Who are these people and why do they seem so familiar?

It felt like forever before MSB came back into my room a few hours or days later and sat next to me and played with my hair silently praying again. Cmon Peter you need to wake up! Mj and Ned need you WAKE UP!! My brain kept yelling at me to wake up and I couldn't stand it, it was giving me a head ache.

MSB gripped my hand and squeezed it, I tried my best to squeeze it back. All of the sudden MSB was sobbing uncontrollably and telling me to wake up. I did it. I actually did something! I squeezed her hand.

I tried to move my fingers and it worked. MSB got up and walked away,. Was she leaving? I heard muffled talking outside the door. It sounded like MSB and my doctor. The doctor came in running and squeezed my hand, I tried to squeeze it back. She gasped, "Peter? Can you hear me? Peter! Wake up! We know your in there!" She kept saying to me

"Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, don't if you can't" I squeezed her hand. "Good! Your here! That's amazing news! Do you know where you are? One squeeze for yes" I squeezed her hand. "Do you know what happened?" I didn't squeeze her hand. "Do you know what happened before you collapsed?" I didn't squeeze her hand. I couldn't remember what had happened before I apparently collapsed.

"Do you remember anything of that night?" I squeezed her hand. "Good, that's good" she said. All I remembered was chasing Olivia and MB, blank, then I'm in here trying to communicate with people through my brain like an alien.

The doctor and MSB left and I could hear muffled talking again threw the door but wasn't 100% sure if what they were saying. I heard the hospital announcements go on a few hours later and caught my attention I'm not awake? Wake up Peter!! Wake up!! You need to wake up! OPEN YOUR EYES!! My brain was yelling at me again and I couldn't stand it. I tried my best to opened my eyes and when I tried I saw a bright light, I closed my eyes immediately. I fluttered my eyes and groaned, I saw MSB, Lily and Ned sitting in chairs in the room fast asleep.

I started choking on the tube down my throat and a doctor came running in and removed the tube with a happy smile on her face. That's when I woke up "PETER!" Ned yelled while standing up and hugging me. MSB started crying again, and Lily came and gave me an embrace. " I knew you would wake up" she said before breaking the embrace.

I tried to speak but my throat was so scratched up it felt like I was eating sand. Ned passed me a cup of water with that amazing ice and I drank it slowly. "H-how long was I out?" I asked while opening and closing my eyes trying to stay awake. "9 days" MSB said, NINE DAYS!! Image how much school I missed!! And how much the Hospital bill is finna be, and what about MB what if he knew where I am?

I started to breath heavily and panic. "Just Breath Peter it's ok" MSB said to me while creasing my hand with her thumb.

Tony's POV

It's been 8 days since we saw Peter and I've only been out of my Lab 3 times in that span of time. I had FRIDAY update me when ever there was any updates. The only update I have gotten was yesterday which was that Peter could hear everything everyone was saying and wasn't brain dead which I was so happy about. That was one of the times I came out of my lab.

"Boss there has been an update on Peter" "What is it FRI" "Peter has woken up" I froze. I dropped all my work and tools. I ran out and to the elevator.

"HE'S AWAKE!" I yelled when I got to the common room "what?" Wanda said. "Peters awake!" I said again while smiling. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and smiled and stood up sister shooked.

This was the first time in a while I decided to text the group chat. There was about 200 unread messgages from all the other avengers worried about Peter

The gc no one wanted

You good??
You awake?
Are you ok?
We're worried!

I was left on delivered for about 2 days but then I got a text in the group chat

The gc no one wanted

Hey everyone
I'm ok!
I was in the hospital...
I was in a coma
I'm sorry
I'm sorry please don't hate me
It was an accident
Please don't be mad мама паук

And why are you sorry??

It wasn't your fault!

Why would we hate you?
We're just glad your ok!
You really had us worried

I heard Mrs. boss lady!
I wasn't sure if I were dreaming or not but I swear she was there
She visited me
Same with 2 or 3 others
Someone else talked to me idk who though
But your guys voices sound so familiar lmao

Don't worry Pete it wasn't a dream
I did visit you
And so did Mr. hacker and Science dude

Ya the other person talking was me-
You really had us worried

Sorry :(

It's all good bro

All good kid don't be sorry for being in a coma

I was worried sick about you малыш паук
And don't apologize for being in a coma.
But who hurt you?? I'm going to find them and end them🔪

No! It's ok мама паук
The popo are already after him!
I won't have to deal with his abuse or closet anymore

Did he abuse you?

Oh would you look at the time!
Time for school!

But it's 2 pm-

Peter you can't avoid this convo for ever!


If you ever need to talk to someone feel free to message me on wattpad or text me at (850) 490-7569.
If you ever feel the need to unalive your self and you fell like no hope is left plz reach out to 988 in America
211 in Canada I'm pretty sure
Feeling the urge to self harm please send a message to the sh crisis hotline 741741
And if no other options please call 911!
Stay strong lovelies <3
Wrote 15/8/22
1501 words

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