Meeting the Avengers

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Clint's POV
Me and Nat were hiding in the vents above Tony's lab cause we heard that Pete's first day was today. We were waiting when the elevator finally dinged and 2 kids and Happy came out of the elevator. "Maria you go right, Peter left" "thanks sir" the girl said. "Thanks Mr. happy" Peter said. And with that Happy left.

We crawled through the vents to where Tony was and we saw him pause the music which means he knows Peter is here. "Oh hey kid!" Tony said clearly happy. He wiped the oil grease off of his hands and walked up to the kid. They talked for a bit and when Tony put his hand on Peters shoulder he did that flinch again.

Tony noticed and lifted his hand almost immediately and looked confused "s-sorry sir" I heard Peter say just faintly, he was looking at the floor and looked like he felt bad. "Ah it's all good kid and stop with the sirs it makes me feel old" Tony said. Well you are old. Tony walked towards a table for his coffee like usual, Peter followed and Tony questioned the kid about what his favorite animal, colour, food, etc. then they went to go work on Tony's suit.

We watched Tony and Peter for a little bit and Peter had even solved a few math problems that Tony got wrong. Tony was completely sister shook, they went back to working and Peter found a way to make the jet flying power stronger and faster. Tony was completely impressed by Peters ability to do everything and looked like a proud father. Nat laughed a little bit when Tony caused a small fire and Peter had to pour water on the fire and Tony's sleeve that caught on fire.

"CLINT!" I hear from Tony. Uh oh

Peters POV

We were working on the repulsers when i noticed a chalk board with some math problems on them. I read them and noticed that a decimal was in the wrong place, and that there was a 5 instead of an 8. Right before I was about to talk I kept getting the feeling I was being watched, I brushed it off as Friday just watching me. "Uh mr. Stark i noticed those math problems and the decimal is in the wrong spot..." I said while looking up at him afraid he was going to hit me or yell at me for correcting him like MB did.

"Huh, thanks Pete I didn't even notice that" He said while walking over and erasing the decimal and placing it in between the 3 and 1 instead of the 7 and 3. "Uh also that should be an 8 instead of a 5 if you wanted to get 450.843 as the answer" I said while backing up still afraid that I was correcting him too much. "Wow!" He said right before erasing the 5 and putting an 8. He redid the math and got the answer 450.843, he looked at me in shock and thought I was in trouble.

"A-am I in trouble?" I asked while backing up even more in fear and starting to hyperventilate a little. "What? Of course not Kid, I've been trying to figure those problems out for days!" He said before walking over to me. I started to breath a little harder realizing I was starting to have a Punic attack.
You shouldn't of have corrected the most important person in the world
You idiot
Your stupid
Just kys
Take the razor blade out of your pocket and end your miserable life
Clyde was making me panic and all I could do was grip onto the wall and close my eyes as I thought this was the end for me. Mr. Stark was going to kill me. "You ok kid?" Mr. Stark asked with a tilted head looking at me. I opened my eyes cautiously and stood up straight "uh-h y-ya I'm all right" I say while putting my hand on my neck.

"You Sure?" He asks. "Ya of course" i say faking a smile. Uh oh, what if he knows? No he couldn't possibly know right? I got a strong feeling of being watched again. I didn't think it was Friday this time." All right then let's get back to work" he claps his hands together and says.

We get back to work and I notice that if we switch the red wire with the yellow wire it would make the repulsers more powerful and faster. I point it out to mr. Stark "ok, let's try it" he says. I switch the wires and he puts the glove on.

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