Please not again

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Third person POV
Peter was going out to got onto Patrol when he saw a house fire, he swung over to the house and heard a mother screaming. "Someone please help my daughter! She's still in the fire!" She said screaming at the fire fighters and sobbing.

A fire fighter was finna go in but the roof collapsed "it's too unstable" the chief of fire said. "Ay look it's that Spider-Man" a fire fighter said. Peter swung through the window of the house and went looking for any survivors and the kid. "Hello!! Anyone here?" He yelled

He heard coughing coming from a room, he grabbed the door knob but it was steaming hot so he had to kick down the door. He saw an adult male about 30 years old holding an unconscious child "h-help" he said weakly while coughing. "I'm coming don't worry sir" Peter said while carefully walking towards him.

He grabbed the girl and helped the man walk, just before he got to the door to help them out a beam fell in front of them making Peter almost fall to the ground but luckily with his sticky feet he didn't.

He managed to get around the beam with out dropping the girl and made his way to the outside, he put to girl in the fire fighters arm and get hugged so hard by the mom he got scared for a second but hugged her back and comforted her. "Thanks Spider-Man another save!" A few firefighters said and the rest were clapping and cheering him on.

He didn't realize it at first but he had a burn on his arm. "Here let me take care of the for you Spider-Man" one of the EMT's said, he walked over to the ambo and rolled up my sleeve and winced in pain. They medic cleaned the wound and did all that medically stuff and wrapped a gauze around it. "Thank you ma'am" he said before swinging off into the unseen.

Peters POV
I swung off with a smile knowing that I just saved a child and made a mother happy. I loved saving people but I loved making people happy more. I stopped a few muggings when I sensed 2 people behind me, I turned around nervously and saw The ScarletWitch and QuickSilver. Uh oh. I could do QuickSilver I guess but the ScarletWitch no way, I'll die.

"Spidey come with us" SW said "no but thanks for the offer! Byeeeee!" I said about to swing off but QS comes and stands in front of me and SW lifts me up with her magicy hands. "Come with us" she said "I said N O do you want me to say it in Spanish or sokovian?" I said with sass and spelling out no.

She did not like that. She threw me against the brick wall of a building "Wanda stop!" QS yelled while zooming up to me. "You ok" he asked me "yep perfectly fine" I said while groaning and standing up.

I walked towards SW and said "don't do that again that hurt" I pointed at her while holding my already fractured ribs. She rolled her eyes "you know your cute when your mad" she said before walking over to her twin. I ran away but QS stopped me once again I aimed to web him in the legs and he fell to the ground landing in his face.

I turned around and webbed his hands to the ground so he couldn't get back up. SW lifted her hands and before she could use her magic hands I swung away. She flew after me and blew a little magic pew pew thangalang at me and I let go of the web and fell to the ground. She lifted me up with telekinesis and I tried to wiggle out but I couldn't. "Who are you?" She asked "not telling ya lady" I said while struggling. "Wanda stop, I'm fine" Pietro said while stuck to the grown.

Wanda breathed in and out and tried to relax "tell me your name please" she said while placing me down "I can't tell you I-I'm s-sorry" I said in a stuttery voice before swinging off. Wanda tried blasting me again but I was able to web her hands. I swung away quickly and went to my alley to grab by book bag and walk 'home'

"Why are you late?" Mr. Brown asked when I closed the door. "I-i had my cafe shift sir" I said while taking off my shoes "not a good excuse Peter" Mrs. brown said while walking down the stairs. Mr. Brown walked towards me, I backed up with my heart dropping down my chest and my stomach flipping upside down. He slapped me across the face "useless" he said before grabbing my hair and making me look at him.

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