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Peters POV

I was in darkness all I saw was darkness, I heard some water splashing under my feet but that's about it. "Hello!" I called out but I just echoed with no response.  I walked and walked and walked for what felt like forever, eventually I found a door.

I was afraid to walk threw it because of what happened in my last dream when I opened a door, but was this a dream? I hesitantly opened the door and inside were my memories. There were memories from when I was a baby,in grade school, the day I met Ned, the day Aunt May died, the day I almost got killed, and the day I killed my self.

Was I dead? Did it work?

I reached out to touch one of the memories, it was when me and Ned first met.

Memory third person POV

"Hi I'm Ned Leeds" a brown kid with black hair said to Peter while reaching out his hand. "I'm Peter Parker" the brunette said while shaking his hand, they were just 5 years old when they first met.

They would do everything together, they would colour together, swing together, build together, run together, sit next to Each other, and even sometimes sleep in the same bed during sleep overs.

They were an unbreakable friendship.

I went out of the memory smiling and remembering how much Ned cared for me and love me, how could I leave him like this? My eyes got a little watery and I walked further down the room, I touched a memory that was the 5th grade spelling B.

Memory third person POV

It was the spelling B, there were 2 people left. Peter and Flash, as horrible and dumb it may sound Flash and Peter were friends until 6th grade. "Eugene Thompson spell Disintegrate" "D-I-S-I-N-T-E-G-R-A-T-E. Disintegrate" the black hair boy said proudly while looking back at Peter with a smile, Peter gave him a thumbs up and a smile. "That is correct"

"Peter Parker spell exclamation" "E-X-C-L-A-M-A-T-I-O-N. Exclamation" Peter smiled a bit "that is correct" Peter sat back down. "Eugene Thompson spell Documentary" "D-O-C-U-M-E-N-T-E-R-Y Documentary" he smiled a bit but knew he got it wrong "sorry that is incorrect" he sat back down "Peter Parker if you get this word correct you win the New York City Spelling Bee" "spell acknowledgment" "A-C-K-N-O-W-L-E-D... uhh  D..." the brunette skinny boy froze in fear.

"Uhh... D-G-E-M-E-N-T acknowledgement" "that is correct" Flash scoffed and walked off stage while everyone in the crowd cheered. Little did Peter know that this particular day would cause Flash to bully him till the day he died.

I came back from the memory and I don't even notice at first but tears were pooling out of my eyes and I felt like just sitting down and crying my self to sleep. I walked further down and soon saw the memory of the day Aunt May died. I hesitantly touched the memory.

Memory third person POV

"Good Job on your test Peter I'm proud of you" Aunt May said while looking in the rear view mirror to see 9 year old Peter having a smile on his face and dancing a little. They were on the high way, there was this Blue Chevy that just wouldn't stay in one lane and had to be going at lest 100 mph

The car swerved into their car. "Peter!" May yelled. The force of the hit made both cars go tumbling on the highway landing upside down, almost squishing Peter and May to death. Peter cried out for help as he sat there upside down and using his arm to help him self stay up "aunt May" he said weakly "May? Can you hear me" he said with a sobby voice.

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