Chapter 1: Susie POV

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Homeless. Rejected. Worthless

Those 3 words describe me...

Oh right... I forgot one 


The name is Susie. You don't need to know my Last Name. It's none of YOUR concern. 

I woke up in my Cardboard box right beside the road, with a newspaper as my blanket.

"Ugh... just another day..." I hide in an alleyway, get changed to my torn school clothing and head my way to the school place. I see the time and see that I'm pretty late. Heh... who cares? They should be thankful that I even show UP in the first place. School teaches us NOTHING about life-skills that any of us are gonna use. I enter the building, put my stuff in a locker and throw open the classroom door like the badass I am 

"H-Hi Susie" Alphys stutters "....Am I late?" I ask. It's my way of saying 'You better not put down that I'm late, teacher' "N-No, you're fine. We were just ch-choosing our partners... ummm.... Susie your with Kris" Alphys tells her "...Great" I say.

The only good thing about Kris is that he's like me! A Freak!

There was a whole minute of uncomfortable silence, I noticed that Noelle is looking at me. I look back at her, she blushes then turns away. What the hell is her problem?

Anyway, Alphys tries writing on her chalk-board, but soon realizes she has no chalk

"Um, has anyone seen the chalk?" She asks. I know what happened to it. I stole it. I'm gonna eat it for breakfast

"How about this, if n-no one speaks up, then everyone is in trouble?" She threatens... but still no one answers. "A-Anyone? P-Please-" she begs.then Noelle spoke up and said "Hey, there might be some extra chalk in the closet outside. Ms. Alphys? Why don't Susie and I-" "Great idea, Noelle" she compliments her "Susie, since you came in last, why don't you go get it?" she asks me "...Whatever" I reply then I slam the door shut

When I exit the room, I see begin eating the chalk, I make it quick, I turn around once I'm done and I see Kris

"Kris. Didn't see you there" I begin "Hey. You didn't see anything, did you?" I ask. he stays frozen in fear. "Hmm... you can't even say? Heh... Kris" I get closer to him "Let me tell you a secret" I pick him up and bash him into the locker "Quiet people piss me off. You think that just because you aren't speaking, doesn't mean that I don't know what your thinking. Wrong. You're thinking: ITS OVER! THIS WAS SUSIE'S LAST CHANCE! NOW SHE'LL FINALLY GET EXPELLED! heh... well Kris. Guess its game over. You caught me. But hey, if I'm gonna get expelled, how about it happens for some REAL CARNAGE. Kris? How do you feel..." I then whisper it to scare him "About losing your face?" I'm about to bite him, but then I set him down gently. Seeing the look of FEAR in his eyes was funny enough for me. OF COURSE I WOULDN'T HURT HIM! I DON'T HURT ANYONE! Those guys who I bash into lockers normally are trying to hurt ME. But I don't wanna scare Kris too bad, so I play it off cool... "Nah" I start to tell him "Kris, you've got a good mom. It'd be shame for her to bury a child, let alone her own. So how about this. We go to the closet, we get the chalk... THEN YOU DO OUR GROUP PROJECT. How does THAT sound?" but before he can answer I say "Don't bother answering. If you haven't gotten it by now, your choices don't matter" I then start to head to the closet "C'mon freak" 

However, Kris was walking so gosh damn slow. "Oh my gosh. You move WAY too slow. Did mommy not wake you up this morning?" I laugh as he finally catches up "C'mon freak!" we then head our way to the closet "Damn it. and we were just having some REAL fun" I complain. Suddenly, the doors open by themselves. Kris jumps in fear. The hall lights flicker off, and a weird noise comes from the closet.

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