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A/n pov :

Y/d - " How dare you refuse me? Huh? "
*slapped Y/n*

Y/n - " Bu-but dad I haven't received
salary yet " *sobbing*

Y/d - " I don't fucking care. I need
money right now, I didn't raise
you for nothing. Go and do some
freaking job Or whatever and
bring me money. "

Y/n - " Dad please can you stop
drinking? I don't have money to
waste on such toxic needs of
yours. "

Y/d - " So you are talking back now!
Huh? Wait let me show you
your place. "

He said while grabbing her hair and dragging her towards the kitchen .

Y/n - " Aahh, dad please, you are
hurting me. " She hissed in pain.

Y/d - " You deserve that bitch! Who
gave you the guys to treat me
like that, huh? "

He left her hair harshly and started looking for something .

Y/n - " Dad please don't do this. Why
are you being like this? We were
living so happily than wae?
Just waeeee? What happened
to you? "
She said while crying hard.

He ignored all of her cries and picked up a rod and started hitting her .

Y/n - " Aahh! Dad please! " She begged while sobbing but he refused to stop.

Y/d - " Will you ever talk back again!?
Huh?!Answer me you useless
piece of sh*t? "

Y/n - " N-no no, I won't. "

Y/d - " Are you sure? "

Y/n nodded her head desperately, he threw the rod away and went towards his room.

Y/n fell down on her knees while crying her heart out. It was the first time he used an object to beat her and it was not bearable neither physically nor mentally.

She was devastated by the real face of the person whom she loved whole-heartedly.

Her tears were making it difficult for her to breath, she kept on crying until her eyes became puffy and red. Finally, she felt asleep on the cold floor.


A/n pov :

After yesterday nights incident Y/n made her mind that she will leave that house as soon as she receives her salary, so that she can rent a small room for herself.

She was not able to believe the fact that her father was never the person she thought he was. That's why her mom always kept her away from him.

Y/n pov :

" Hello, sir. " I wished to the customer who just entered.

" Hello " he replied politely.

I gave him a small smile and asked for his order.

" What would you like to have? "

" A black coffee. " He answered.

" Okay sir, please take a seat till I get your order done. " I said.

He nodded and went away.

It was early morning so there was no one else in the cafe other than both of us. People mostly visit us after noon. That's why I picked the early morning shift today because I was not at all in the mood to interact with people.

But when it comes to talk with older people nothing can stop me from being happy.


As I told you before that I am adopted so, before I started living with mom I was living in an orphanage in which people of all ages were living, I mean it was
a old age home cum orphanage.

And when I turned 16 mom took me to the orphanage for a visit and when
I reached there all I received was love
and warmth of the elders.

They were like " You have grown up
so well, we are proud of you. "

After that I started to visit them regularly and my bond with them became much stronger. I loved the way they made me feel wanted and precious.

Not even once did they failed to lift up my mood. That's why I was thinking about paying another visit to them today but I can't because that drunk man won't let me.

He warned me about making him food before he reaches home otherwise he would beat me to death. *sigh*

" Here's your coffee, sir. " I said and gave him a polite smile.

" Thank you. " He replied.

I again gave him the best smile I has to offer. Idk why but I got that same warm feeling from him, maybe because he was being as nice as my orphanage family.

I turned around and was about to go towards the counter.

" Would you mind sitting with me?
I mean I don't prefer having
my coffee alone. " He said.

" Oh-okay I guess. I don't have any
other customer either so I am free. "
I replied and sat in front of him.

" What is your name? If I may ask. " He started a conversation.

" My name is Y/n,Kim Y/n. " I responded.

" That's a pretty name. "
He complemented.

I bowed and said a little " Thank you "

He was about to say something else but before that his phone rang making him finish his coffee asap. He payed the bill and left.

I again went behind the counter and sat while waiting for other customers.


Mr. Park pov :

" Where are the files for the project
with the Jeons? "
I asked to my secretary.

" I am sorry sir, I will go and bring
them right away. " he responsded.

I nodded my head while he bowed again before exiting the office.

I sighed and my thoughts were again occupied by that girl, Y/n ,I went to the cafe where she works today.

I went there so that I can get to know her better but at the same time I got a call from office about the important meeting I need to attend and I have to leave in hurry.

But she seems like a sweet person to me, after living for almost 72 years I can tell who is pretending to be nice and who really is a good person. And according to my life experience she is one of the latter.

I just really wish she is and if she really is then she is perfect for Jimin. She is the one who will bring him out of his trance.


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