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Y/n pov :

We came back home after a day full of surprises and right now we are watching
movie Baby Boss.

Grandpa is not back yet but it's still 6 p.m
so it's not really his time to come back.

" Chim, I should start cooking dinner so that I will be done by the time Grandpa comes, okay? " I said while trying to get up.

" Okay but i will help you too!"
He replied

" No! No! Last time both of us baked together the whole kitchen and we ourselves were a complete mess, so No! "
I said.

" But I want to help you " He complained

" Uhmm...you can watch me cook and talk to me? That way I won't get bored, hm? " I stated to which he nodded.

Time skip~

" It's done! " I said.

" Yay!! " said Chim being all excited.

" You are so good at cooking! " he exclaimed.

" Of course I am! " I said and flipped my hair.

" Oh? You were supposed to say thank you! " He said strictly.

" But it's okay when it's between friends and family! " I protested.

" Is it? " he asked to which I nodded.

" Okay " He said.

" Oh? You guys have cooked dinner and I was thinking about going out for dinner." said grandpa as soon as he entered.

" No need for that! You must be very tired so this is the least we can do, grandpa. " I said and smiled at him.

" Aiggo, aiggo~ you guys are really good when it comes to words. " He said while laughing softly.

" Of course we are! " said Jimin making me blink my eyes multiple time while Grandpa laughed out more.

" I was expecting a thank you " said grandpa.

He was not supposed to reply like that in this situation, this guy!! I facepalmed myself!

" But Dumpling said it's okay to say this among family and friends... " He replied while I bit my tongue.

Grandpa laughed even more and said
" Yeah, yeah it's okay! "

Time skip ~

We were done with dinner and Chim was already asleep, he was more exhausted today as compared to other days maybe because he met Oppas?

I told everything that happened today to Grandpa and he was glad to know that Minie's school and college years went smoothly because of Oppas.

" But grandpa, Chim had headache when he encountered with them, is it okay to take him with me? Shall I consult the doctor once? " I asked being worried.

" Yes, we should not do anything which can harm his health more, we should ask the doctor once again. " replied grandpa.

" Shall I call him? " I questioned

" Wait let me call him " said grandpa and dialed the doctors number.

Grandpa told the whole incident to the doctor and he said " It's nothing to be worried about and the headache might be an indication that Jimin will recover his memories with time. "

" You should take Jimin with you to office, it will make things easier for him." said Grandpa.

" Okay, grandpa but you will come with us too, right? " I asked.

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