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Y/n pov :

" Chim? Are you done? "
I shouted from downstairs but he didn't respond.

It's Wednesday today and we are getting late for the doctor's appointment, Minie always gets ready on time.

I came down 5 minutes ago to say bye to Grandpa as he was leaving for the office and thought that Jimin would join me too but he didn't.

I headed towards the room and here he is, sitting on the bed and looking down at the floor.

I went near him and said " Chim? " He looked at me and his eyes were filled with tears, my heart shattered into millions of pieces looking at him.

How can I be such an idiot?
How can I not know that he is scared to see the doctor? Why?? Just why??!

I hugged Minie tightly and some tears made their way to my cheeks. I rubbed them off my face and broke the hug.

I faced him and said " Is my baby afraid of the doctor? " and he nodded still looking at the floor.

My tears again brimmed, I was so angry at myself for not understanding him but I controlled my emotions and cupped his face.

" It's okay, my baby is the strongest and
I will be with you, so you can hold
my hand and we can meet the doctor together, hm? " I said.

He hugged me tightly instead of saying anything and I could tell that he was really frightened, I never saw him like this before and it was scaring me to
the core.

I hugged him back and patted his back lightly.

" It's alright, you know what,
you are much stronger than me, I used to cry a lot when I went to the doctor as
a child. " I said to make him feel better.

His eyes were now filled with curiosity, maybe to know more about how I was.

" Then? " He asked.

" But my mother used to give me candy
if I got the checkup done without crying, so I always tried my best not to cry because I loved that candy a lot, it was my favourite," I stated.

" Then? " He again asked.

" The rest I would tell you in the car, hm? We are getting late so we need to hurry. " I said and he finally stood up with me.

Both of us settled down inside the car while the driver uncle drove us to
the hospital.

I was telling him about how I used to be as a child and this worked well, he was now more at ease and this made me feel light.

I promised myself that I never want to see him in tears again, I will try my best and do everything possible to make him feel happy.

Time skip ~

" Park Jimin " the assistant called out.

" Come on baby, you are a good boy, right? " I said while Chim smiled at me while nodding.

He was much better now, in fact, all of his fear flew away after I told him some funny incidents about my childhood and now he was acting all strong.

" Hello, Jimin. " wished the doctor as soon as we entered inside.

" Hello " Chim replied in tiny.

" Oh, Hello Mrs Park " He said when his eyes fell on me.

" Hello, doctor. " I replied while bowing.

Not gonna lie, butterflies erupted in
my stomach when he called me
Mrs Park but it's not the right time.

" Mr Park already informed me about you, so you don't have to be so formal, please take a seat both of you. " He said.

My Baby Husband  | 1/2 |Where stories live. Discover now