Chapter 1

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The crown handover has already completed. A word of appreciation to all those involved has also been delivered. Now it's time for press conference with the media.

All of the reporters has gathered around to the designated area. Engfa Waraha never in her whole life received this kind of attention to the point that she wanted just to smile until her cheeks hurts.

However, bare in her minds she has been mentally prepared to face whatever questions were about to be thrown at her. Especially about her sexuality and her controversy regarding her previous recording company. What makes she feel stronger when Boss Nawat the MGT president and all MGT2022 top 10 were also there besides her. They are like her second family.

Engfa's POV

"Hello everyone, thank you for being here today. It's a pleasure to meet all of you". I politely greeted them before we begin. "Oohh ohhh...Engfa you are so beautifully handsome that it hurts." One of the reporter cheered in awe responding to my greetings. I am surprised at how they describe me though I've been told for many times before about my look, but I am still not used to the praise given especially in public.

"Awhh someone's cheek has turned to red colour. Okay let's not teased her more shall we begin now?" Finally Boss Nawat came to the rescue but still he manage to tease me. "We can't help it Mr.Nawat she is so stunning hehe. Okay² I'll start first. Ms Engfa how do you feel after being crowned as Miss Grand Thailand?" asked one of the reporter. "First of all I would like to thank you to all of the MGT's contestants for giving their best during the competition. Though I am wearing the crown now I just want to say that this is not the end of our journey. There is so much more work to do and inorder to do that lets hold eachother's hand and be suceed together." I finished my sentence as I looked at each of them, they are like my sisters already. We end up hugging each other appreciating the moments.

"Ms Engfa's really suited with the role of big sisters among MGT's. I love how you answer the question. Well talking about it as we all know there is one exception am I correct?" Sudden attacked from the reporter. "What do you mean by exception? Please enlighten me." I chuckled answering the questions because I know where it's going to lead. I also noticed someone had her head down as if understand what is about to happen.

" Ohh ohhhhh.. Ms Engfa are you playing mind games? You are openly out about your sexuality from the beginning." He paused for a second and then continues "okay no worries I will just straight to the point. Do you have feelings for Ms Charlotte Austin?" The reporter widely flashing his smile after he dropped the bomb. "Yes I love her. Like sisters." I shortly answered refused to drag along the questions. I'm afraid if Char feelings uncomfortable talking about this.

"I know what are you trying to say. Are you talking about the ship? I mean Englot shipped that created by fans?" It suprised me when suddenly Charlotte speak out. That's how she is, as someone who got closed to her recently I noticed how bold she can be. Never afraid to speak out her mind.

All reporters attention were now on Charlotte. "Yeahh Ms Charlotte. What do you think about it? Is that only an act for fans or vice versa?" Yeah Char what do you think? I low keyly want to know her answer too. "Well to be clear, I already follow P'Fa's work from the beginning. She is the reason why I'm here today. She inspires me, in fact she inspires many of us to not giving up on achieving our life goals. I admit it also that I admire on her determination. So basically she's my idol." I was stunned with her answers. Never imagined that someone like her would take me to that level. She looked at me and smile to ears. I can't help it and felt blushed.

" I agreed with Charlotte. Engfa's inspired me too!" Chompu added more. I feel so touched with how supportive they were. Suddenly I feel the urge to explain about the situation "If you think that how we interact with eachother were only an act, well you are wrong. All the moments were natural. That's all I can said for now." As I finished my words I can hear all the cheers from the reporters, they seems satisfied with our answers.

The press conference last for an hour. There's a lot of questions from them. We also talked about the drama in my past. Finally all has been cleared. The burden that I felt before has lifted and hiding it no more. Before we going our separate ways they requested a group photos of us and a couple photos of me and Charlotte. We both still feeling shy to show our closeness in public when the fact we both know how clingy we were to eachother especially when there is no camera around.

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