Chapter 3 Wall of Salvation

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A well or spring of living waters of the word brings refreshment from condemnation. Guild always seeks punishment. Drinking from freedom that the word brings, brings joy.

Wall / bulwarks - protects from enemies, thieves and being scattered. Maintain unity of the body.

In quiet and rest is salvation found. Peace and hope are your strength.

Protect. Deliver. Pass over. Spare. Reserve à Joseph trails to preserve twelve tribes.

In time of trouble à salvation. Lord's arm of strength and defense.

Reverent fear of the Lord is wealth, fear of change will surely fade. Perfect will.

Righteousness germinate like plant, comes up with seed of salvation. à Pure, spiritual, heavenly-born possibilities that have foundation in holy being of God.

Freedom from shame and being put down.

Purposed to be given as light to nations, so that we can be the Lord's salvation extended to the end of the earth.

60:18 Walls of salvation. Doors of praise.

61:10 Garments of salvation, rove of righteousness.

Fig tree: leaves cover shame of sin. Jesus cursed the tree and it died. Leave and fruit can't be distinguished.

Go forth brightness. Shining sun à righteousness

62:1 Burning light à salvation radiate

Repentance is bricks building the wall of salvation of which Christ is the corner stones. Without Him the walls will not stand and be strong. When thoughts of condemnation of the past, come the redemption of past sins is used to avoid looking back at past regrets and turning into a pillar of salt.

That which was meant to season life, the testimony of your salvation, is retained and stops growth, if it is kept by looking back onto past hurts and injustices. Attempting to use justification as a defense mechanism. Instead of standing strong on the Rock of all ages which came to save, redeem, set free and deliver.

It is a guilty conscience that keeps us distant from Father's heart. The world system wants us to remain in a state of showing remorse having us pay and stuck in wanting to pay for it the rest of our lives. So, we will never reach the point of seeking Father's heart with freedom.

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