Part 3: Battle with Shadow.

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The Scene returns as we see one of Team Sonic Celebrating another thrilling victory, SNT finishing a chilidog before drinking some milk as Team Sonic enjoys themselves while the rest of Badgerville cheers for them. The Cheering is cut short abruptly, however, as a gunshot can be heard, causing everyone to flinch, followed by slow, calm, and unimpressed, clapping.
Shadow the Hedgehog: Yes, indeed that was another, 'Thrilling Victory'... but it's just too bad that your new friend isn't going to be able to stop me, FAKER...
As the people of Badgerville flea in terror Team Sonic turns to see none other than Shadow the Hedgehog, spinning around a gun in his hand before blowing out the smoke coming from the exit for the bullet. SNT gets up as the rest of Team Sonic looks at her in shocked and Scared Concern and Confusion.
Sticks: YEAH, HE HAS A GUN!!!
SNT looks at the rest of Team Sonic, smirking confidently.
SNT: That's not going to stop me, especially since I don't know what a gun even IS.
SNT begins to walk towards Shadow calmly, Shadow looking at her in admiring, and somewhat angry, confusion.
Shadow: You're... approaching me? Instead of running away from the Ultimate Lifeform in absolute terror, you're approaching me, why?

SNT smirks, confident and calm, as she stops.
SNT: Well, I can't beat the rings out of you without getting closer, can I?
Shadow lets out a confident laugh as he puts his gun back into its holster, Impressed.
Shadow: Oh, well them by all means, try to stop me as much as you like~!
Shadow and SNT both take up Battle ready stances, looking each other in the eyes, intently.
Shadow: Alright... Let's see how fast you can "REALLY" go~!!!
Suddenly, SNT and Shadow jump towards each other at their top speeds, both winding up heading in the direction that SNT had leapt in whilst punching and kicking each other and also Blocking and Parrying one another's attacks.
SNT (Confident and Cocky) WELL, SO CAN I~!!! SO, COME ON, STEP IT UP~!!!
Shadow chuckles before Him and SNT both land a hit on one another, sending each other flying into the ground, both of them landing on their feet, huffing and puffing as they ready for another attack from one another. Shadow then lunges towards SNT, beginning to punch and kick her as she blocks all of his attacks.

SNT, unknowingly kicks Shadow in the groin before she punches him into a tree, calmly snickering confidently after she does so.
SNT: OH Pa-LEASE, is that really the BEST you can do~?!
Shadow lets out a groan of painful agony before smirking and pulling out a Chaos Emerald.
Sonic: (Fearful) Uh, oh...
Shadow holds up the Chaos Emerald, confidently, as SNT looks at it.
Shadow: Chaos... CONTROL!!!
Shadow suddenly disappears into a green light as SNT looks around frantically.
Before SNT can finish, Shadow suddenly appears behind her and delivers a swift round house kick to the back of her head, sending her flying forward as he stands there, SNT getting back up.

Shadow (Confident and Cocky) I'll admit, you're, almost, a worthy opponent. With enough training, maybe you'd even be formidable.
SNT looks at Shadow, her hand beginning to spark up with electricity as Shadow takes up an attack stance, Overconfident and Cocky.
Shadow: It's been a fun work-out, but It's time to put you to bed, for good.
Shadow begins to charge towards SNT as Team Sonic Watches on, Scared and/or Fearful, Worried, and Concerned.
Team Sonic: SNT!!!
Before Shadow can deal the final Blow to SNT, SNT suddenly fires a powerful blast of Pink Lightning from her hands, that sends Shadow flying backwards into a tree so hard that the Tree almost falls over from the strength of the Impact.
Team Sonic (Minus Tails): (In Complete Shock and Awe) Woah...
Tails: (Amazed) WOAH!!!
Shadow slowly gets up, his quills some-what statically charged for a bit before he manages to ground himself as he looks at SNT, dumbfounded.
Shadow: What in Chaos...?
Shadow gets up and walks away.

Sonic gives SNT a high five, lifting up her right arm to do so, as she looks down at her left hand, Confused and incredibly concerned, as well as worried.
SNT: W-What just happened???!!!
Tails: (Calm) Hm... let me have a look.
Tails, calm and collected, grabs SNT's hand and closely examines it for a few seconds as it sparks up with some Pink Static Electricity. Tails then thinks for about 3 seconds before his ears perk up, calm and collected.
Tails: After Close Examination, I think you have Electro-Kinesis SNT~!
The rest of Team Sonic, and SNT look at Tails, the rest of Team Sonic in awe, but SNT looks at Tails in down-right confusion.
SNT: Elector-Ki-What now?
Tails smiles and chuckles, calmly as he starts to explain.
Tails: ELECTRO-Kinesis, in simple and/or basic terms, grants the user, aka YOU, the ability to summon, absorb, and control electricity from both inside and outside of your body at free-will with just the mere though.
SNT's eyes light up with excitement as she gets pumped up.

SNT's face suddenly goes from one of excitement, back to one of pure confusion.
SNT: Wait, what's Electricity?
Sticks looks at SNT casually.
Sticks: It's basically just a way, way, WAY more Humane form of Powering Badnicks, or everyday Items.
SNT nods as Knuckles looks at SNT, calmly.
Knuckles: One thing's for sure, you're a very good fighter~! Who knows, maybe with enough training of your skills and power we can finally defeat Doctor Eggman.
SNT smiles and puts a hand on her hip, only for it to ZAP! her, causing her to shake from the flow of electricity in her body.
SNT looks down at her hand as the scene fades to black.

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