Part 6: The Flaming Knuckles

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The Scene returns on one of Team Sonic, SNT, and the Other Knuckles all arrive in Badgerville as the Townsfolk greet them all. The Other Knuckles then, looks at the Bonfire set up as the Townsfolk try to light it, and becomes confused before turning to look at Dave the Beever.
Other Knuckles: Beever, what is going on over there?
Dave looks at the Bonfire, calmly.
Dave the Beever: Oh, that~? That's our Village's Yearly Bonfire, it marks the yearly Anniversary Celebration of when Team Sonic Graced us with their Protection. Unfortunately, we're having trouble lighting it without any lighters, or Flint and Steel.
The Other Knuckles looks at the Bonfire.
Other Knuckles: Perhaps I can be of assistance to this Lighting of this, Bonfire.
The Other Knuckles Walks up to the Bonfire and, as gently and carefully as possible, places a hand on it and focuses, as if trying to do something as the rest of Team Sonic watches him in confusion. Suddenly, the Other Knuckles' hand, and, as a result, the Bonfire, catches ablaze as he continues focusing before opening his eyes and pulling his hand away gently, yet quickly as the villager's cheer. The Other Knuckles quickly places his hand into a nearby lake to calm the flame, all of this happening as the rest of Team Sonic watches in concern and Awe.

SNT turns to look at The Other Knuckles as he pulls his hand out of the water, shocked and amazed.
The Other Knuckles looks at SNT, equally as shocked and amazed as SNT is, as well as Confused and Concerned.
Other Knuckles: It would appear so... I suppose...
SNT smiles happily and looks at Other Knuckles' hand, in Amazed and Astounded Awe.
Tails walks over and Also Examines Other Knuckles' hand.
Other Knuckles: So... now what...? I just have the necessary skills required in order to control fire...?
Tails looks up at Other Knuckles, calmly and calmingly.
Tails: (Calmed) It seems like that's the case.
The Rest of Team Sonic all look at Flaming Knuckles one after the other, all of the members Amazed and Confident.

Amy: That's so cool~!
Sonic: Exactly, It's like you're a Flaming Knuckles.
The Other Knuckles looks at Sonic.
Other Knuckles: A Flaming Knuckles you say, Hedgehog?
Flaming Knuckles looks down at his hand, and then smirks confidently.
FLAMING Knuckles: That sounds like it is a perfect name for me...
Knuckles smiles Calmly and Confidently as he looks at Flaming Knuckles.
Knuckles: I agree with that~!
Sticks: Agreed~!
Flaming Knuckles smiles and nods confidently as the Scene slowly transitions to one of the Team Sonic households in the next morning. Flaming Knuckles slowly wakes up on the floor of Team Sonic's house and stretches before walking outside and looking around calmly and letting out a relaxed sigh.
Flaming Knuckles: It seems like it is a great day today~...! The sun is shining; the flying creatures are whistling; I think it is a perfect-

SNT: (Concerned + In the Distance) FLAMING KNUCKLES LOOK OUT!!!
Flaming Knuckles, confused turns to see a massive ball of pink electricity flying towards him. Fearfully, Flaming Knuckles Sends a Fire Ball flying towards SNT's Pink Electricity Ball, causing both of the balls to explode in a Pink Electrical and Firey explosion. The Pink Electricity and Fire sends both Flaming Knuckles and SNT flying backwards in opposite directions.
SNT and Flaming Knuckles: (Semi-Dizzy and Calm) Ow...
SNT looks at Flaming Knuckles and quickly gets up and runs towards him, Concerned, fearful, and worried.
Flaming Knuckles lets out a confident laugh as he sits up, impressed.
Flaming Knuckles: That. Was. AMAZING~!!!

SNT lets out a laugh as she gently helps Flaming Knuckles up, her hand getting partially crushed in the process by Flaming Knuckles' Hand.
SNT: (In a bit of Pain) Ow, ow, ow! D-Don't grab my hand that hard Flaming Knuckles, it hurts~!
Flaming Knuckles smiles nervously as he lets go of SNT's hand, allowing her to reset her OWN knuckles as he watches, confused.
Flaming Knuckles: Really? My hand is uninjured. However, if yours is, then I deeply apologize sibling SNT~...!
SNT chuckles a bit, calmly.
SNT: It's fine~! Just be a bit more careful~!
Flaming Knuckles and SNT smile as Sticks walks out of the house, calmly.
Sticks: Well, if you two are done having your moment, Sonic tasked the 3 of us with getting groceries.

Flaming Knuckles and SNT look at Sticks, VERY Confused and calm.
SNT: Um, Sticks, what are Groceries?
Flaming Knuckles: Yes, what are these Groceries you speak of? And why are we getting them? what did they ever do to us?
Sticks giggles calmly.
Sticks: You two are about to find out~! Just follow me.
Sticks starts walking into town. SNT and Flaming Knuckles both look at each other and Shrug, still confused, before looking back towards Sticks and beginning to follow them as the Screen fades to another Camera Based one.
Dr. Eggman: (Annoyed) Of course, that Other Knuckles that I created joined my enemies. If project SKT hadn't messed with that computer than they would've all come out PERFECT!!!
The camera Pans to a Shot of Robotnik as he looks at the monitor, Orbot and Cubot both behind him, Nervous, yet also calm.
Orbot: B-Boss, permission to speak freely...?

Eggman turns to look at Orbot, seeming to be annoyed, angry, and yet also partially calm as he does so.
Eggman: Yes, yes, go ahead. What is on your mind?
Orbot: I-If you don't mind me saying this, p-perhaps this cause of Annoyance could a-also be cause for celebration?
Eggman gets ready to get up and turn Orbot into scrap metal before Orbot continues, fearfully.
Orbot: W-What I am trying to say is... Someone with such a g-g-genius level of intellect such as yourself should surely be able to make a robot that's more than a thousand times better than the organic v-variant...
Eggman calms down before his iconic evil grin returns to his face.
Eggman: Yes... it can be... All I need are some blueprints~!
Eggman lets out his iconic evil laugh as he turns to his computer and begins typing as the scene slowly fades to black.

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