4 - You're so weird

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 4 (2x10)
Word Count: 4126

"I don't get this movie." Cassidy squinted her eyes at the TV as she and Caroline sat on the couch bright and early in the morning, planning to simply have a movie night all day to spend time together since they haven't really hung out as not just sisters, but best friends, in months. "I mean, that isn't how vampirism works, Eddie boy!"

"Cassie, it's just a movie."

"Yeah, but vampires aren't meant to sparkle! The idiots."


"And what is with this whole 'love at first sight' bull--"

"Cassidy!" Caroline finally got Cassidy's attention. "We literally live in a world where our mate bond forces us to fall in love at first sight, and you're judging Twilight for basically having the same thing?"

"You're right." Cassidy shrugged. She always got so worked up over the smallest inaccuracies on TV. "But still, the dude sparkles."

"Moving on..." Caroline turned the volume down on the TV and manoeuvred herself on the couch so she was facing Cassidy while sitting cross-legged. "Speaking of the mate bond, it's been over a week... any word from Elijah?"

"Not one." Cassidy let out a sad sigh. "I mean, we never exchanged numbers. But, I mean, come on! He's an original! I'm sure he could've found some way to contact me."

"Yeah, I know."

"And the mate bond is making me miss him so much that it hurts, Care... it really hurts..."

"Oh, Cass, that sucks..." Caroline pulled Cassidy into a tight embrace. "I know how awful the mate bond can be, and I know that sooner or later, it will force you and Elijah to reunite."

"I don't know if I even want to reunite with him."

"Why not?"

"He completely ghosted me for an entire week!" Cassidy reminded. "Who says I can't do the same?"

"But Cassidy--"

Their conversation was then interrupted by Cassidy's phone ringing. It was Elena, and the siphoner decided to answer it. Caroline turned down the volume even more of Twilight still playing on the screen until they could barely hear it with human hearing, and the vampire decided to eavesdrop in on the phone conversation between Cassidy and Elena.

"Elena? What a surprise. You need something?"

"I'm heading over to the Salvatore house."

"You don't need to update me on every little thing you do. I don't care if you and Stefan crave each other's touch so much that you can't stand to be apart any longer."

"No, that's not it at all. I need to speak to Rose."

"Rose? You mean, Damon's second mate?"

"...yes, her."

"I smell jealousy."

"We can share him, it's fine."

"Are you forgetting you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I love Stefan, but Damon is my mate. It is kind of inevitable that I am going to end up with him."

"Whatever, I don't even know why I care. Just... was this call necessary? Me and Caroline are sister bonding."

"Yes, this is important. Can you please just meet me at the Salvatore house in ten minutes?"


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