124 - You're the one chance we have

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 124 (4x08)
Word Count: 2809

"This is nice." Kol murmured as he lay in bed with Cassidy. "It's great that we still have time for things like this, away from the kids."

"Yeah." Cassidy's response was vague, an almost distant look in her eyes that Kol picked up quickly, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

"Is everything alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Fine." Cassidy reassured, snuggling further into Kol's side. "Just happy to be here with you. It was a nice distraction from the drama with the Hollow and all, and I missed you."

"I missed you, too, baby... but I know when something is on your mind." Kol pointed out. "Is this about the argument you had with Rebekah a few nights ago?"

"Maybe." Cassidy admitted. "We worked things out. I mean, we had a really long talk about everything. Me and Bekah are perfectly fine now, but I keep thinking about what she said. Have I really changed that much?"

"Um, well..." But before Kol could blurt out the truth and potentially hurt Cassidy's feelings, he was saved by the small sound of a voice by the doorway.

"Mom? Uncle Kol? Where's dad?"

"Hope?" Cassidy frowned in concern, pulling the covers over her bare chest as Kol hurried to find his jacket to give to Cassidy, who shrugged it on, thankful that the jacket ended at her thighs, and she wrapped her arms around herself while climbing out of the bed, dropping to her knees in front of her eldest daughter. "What's going on, honey?"

"Mom? Can you hear them, too?" Hope whispered, a distant look in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Kol asked, worried for his step-daughter/niece as he pulled on his clothes and approached the two.

"Look at me..." Cassidy placed a hand on the side of Hope's face, brushing her auburn hair aside. "Tell me what you heard."

"Voices." Hope revealed quietly. "They said that we're connected to this. You and me."

"Who is saying that, Hope? The jawbone? Can you hear it?" Cassidy questioned in a worried urgency.

"No. Not the bone. The witches. The Ancestors. They have a message for us. A warning..." Hope responded, now looking genuinely fearful herself. Cassidy's eyes widened.

"Can you tell me what they said, yeah? Can you do that for me, honey?"

"They want you to go to St. Anne's Church to talk to them." Hope told her mom. "They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now. Before the Hollow comes for us..."


Cassidy was slipping on her shoes and shrugging on her jacket, getting ready to head to St. Anne's Church, uncaring of the danger that could possibly lurk there. She'd walk through hell and back if it means ensuring safety for all of her kids.

"Please don't go." Kol sighed sadly, sat on the bed, simply watching Cassidy get dressed.

"I have to. No, I need to. I need to protect my kids, Kol. Our kids." Cassidy replied. "The whole point of 'Lijah going to Vincent was to get the Ancestors on our side. Find the bones, stop the Hollow from getting her body back--"

"Why are you doing this?" Kol abruptly asked. "And 'to protect my kids' isn't an answer. Half of the people in this house have children of their own that they want to protect. Me, Klaus, Elijah, Hayley... and we'd do anything to protect them. But why do you insist on doing all of this alone, baby?"

"Because they've asked me to." Cassidy reminded. "Who else is gonna go, you? 'Lijah? Nik? The ancestors don't trust Mikaelsons as far as their witchy minds can throw them, and Hales is looking after Andrea while I'm gone. It's down to me to protect these kids right now, baby. We don't understand this thing or how to stop it. But one thing is for sure... we need help. And I'm gonna go get it." Cassidy walked closer to Kol, pecking his lips softly. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. I love you."

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