11 - Run

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 11 (2x17)
Word Count: 1934

"Cassie, I need your help!" Caroline uttered the second she barged into the cell. Cassidy glanced up at her, sitting on the small single bed shoved against the wall.


"Matt knows about me! W-well..." But Caroline then hesitated. "He knows about us. Both of us!"

"You told him what I am?" Cassidy snapped at her younger sister, already annoyed. "I never wanted to be brought in to your romance drama!"

"I know, I'm sorry! We fixed our problems last night, and I thought we were finally in a good place. I-I told him that I was a vampire, and when he freaked out, I kinda blurted out in a defensive way that you were a siphoner... sorry..." Caroline muttered guiltily. Cassidy let out a sigh and rubbed her head tiredly.

"No worries. I'll help you."


"If you let me out. I can't do magic in here so you need to let me out to do a locator spell." Cassidy shrugged. Caroline looked really hesitant after that.

"Damon will be really mad..."

"So? That's a plus! He's been a dickhead best friend, and I promise to protect you, baby sister." Cassidy reassured. "Deal?"

"Okay, fine. Deal." Caroline nodded, stepping back and opening the door. Cassidy smirked and walked out.

She was free...


Once Cassidy did a locator spell, as promised, and found Matt in their very own home, Caroline was quick to rush off to the Forbes residence, so Cassidy was free to roam Mystic Falls once again. She smirked to herself as she tried to imagine Damon's reaction to finding out she was free.

She promised herself that she would undagger Elijah... right after she got a drink from the Grill. She was thirsty for some alcohol, because all she'd been given for the past week was small bottles of water.

Sat down at the bar, Cassidy downed half of her glass before an annoyingly obnoxious voice piped up from behind her.

"You're free. I'm guessing it was Caroline who had a moment of weakness. Happens a lot with that one."

"Katherine." Cassidy muttered, not turning to look at the vampire doppelgänger. "I could recognise your cheap perfume anywhere."

"Please. My perfume costs more than your cute little house." Katherine scoffed, sliding into the seat beside Cassidy at the bar, causing the siphoner to shoot her a confused look.

"What do you want with me, Katherine? We're not friends. I'm sure you have better things to do than bothering little ol' me."

"Partly true, but right now, you are actually my main priority." Katherine sighed, only increasing Cassidy's confusion. "I need your help. Despite how you two aren't on the best of terms at the moment, Damon cares about you more than anyone else. You're best friends, and I know he is the one who is hiding the moon stone. If your help me get it, I will--"

"I'm not negotiating anything with you. I don't and never will trust you." Cassidy downed the rest of her glass and stood up. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a mate to go undagger." But Katherine grabbed her wrist before she could leave.

"Don't you want to know about the rest of your mates?"

That definitely caught Cassidy's attention. She ripped her arm away from Katherine and slowly sat back down.

"What the hell do you know about my mates?" But when Katherine didn't respond to the question, Cassidy roughly grabbed her arm, threatening to siphon the life out of her. At that, Katherine stammered out a bunch of words, eyeing the hand on her arm cautiously. Being siphoned hurt like hell. "Fine! Fine. There is a book in the very back of my library from the cottage I lived in when I was human. I found it a decade ago. It's all about the legendary girl with eight powerful mates, and I will give you the book to read for yourself. If you get the moonstone for me."

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