122 - I'm worried about Hope

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 122 (4x06)
Word Count: 738

A/N: Just a short one today, I'm afraid! Also, I'm going abroad for ten days tomorrow so I may not be able to post too much! I might be able to do one or two chapters, and I might do one tomorrow as my flight isn't until 6pm, but just a fair warning that I won't update a lot for another two weeks or so.
Thanks! ❤️
-L xx


"A fake truce? How can you have a fake truce?"

"Like this." Klaus answered Cassidy's question with a smirk, gesturing at his surroundings where compelled humans and vampires were busy setting up for a party in the Abattoir. "I needed to fake a truce with Marcel to inform everyone that he will be co-hosting, despite him not stepping foot out of his dungeon. Nobody would attend if they realised that only I was hosting this party."

"Smart." Cassidy's tone dripped with sarcasm towards her husband, just as Andrea's cries could be heard down the hall. "Hayley is in town with Davina. Looks like it's my turn for the nappy change." The heretic headed towards Andrea's room, picking the small infant up, hugging the one-year-old. Not long after Cassidy had returned to New Orleans, Hayley and Davina also came to the city with Andrea, Hope and Leo, who all missed Cassidy. The other kids chose to remain at the safe house with Cassidy's other mates. "Sshhh. Come on then, baby girl."


"Hi." Night had fallen when Elijah walked into Cassidy's bedroom, taking a seat beside her on her bed. "You have missed most of the party already."

"Well, I wanted to go, but it took me almost an hour to find a dress, and then another hour to find shoes that match, and then Clara and Julia kept calling me from the safe house, and then Andrea kept crying, and I don't even know where Hope and Leo have gone in this place--"

"It is alright." Elijah calmed Cassidy down. "What is the matter?"

"I'm worried about Hope." Cassidy admitted. "The Hollow could keep getting control over her, and Hope is spending every single minute with Leo. He could be controlled, too, and one twin is bad enough..."

"I give you my word, darling, I will not let any physical harm come to any child of yours for as long as I am living." Elijah assured. Cassidy smiled at him, resting her head on Elijah's shoulder. "The party should be finished by now. Would you like to come downstairs?"

"Yeah, sure." Cassidy nodded. She and Elijah headed downstairs, hand in hand. There, they saw Hayley, Davina, and Klaus muttering to each other in hushed whispers. "Guys? What's going on?"

"Um, beautiful?" Davina glanced at Cassidy. "We think the Hollow might be trying to come back."

"Excuse me?" Cassidy and Elijah both spoke at the same time.

"This thing wants to be reborn." Davina informed as Cassidy and Elijah walked closer to the other three.

"This morning, Vincent said that whenever it resurfaces, it does so in four distinct locations." Hayley added. "It's looking for something. Four things, by the sound of it. And I'm pretty sure that I have one of them." Hayley then held up a weird-looking item that looked to be a jaw bone. "My parents were killed protecting this from one of the Hollow's followers."

"We've seen this time and time again." Cassidy spoke. "When a witch wants to be reborn, their remains are needed to complete the spell."

"You've just found a piece of our enemy." Klaus told Hayley.

"Lucky me." Hayley rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Who has the other three?"

"Dominic." Elijah answered. "Dominic said that he had found something here."

"What?" Cassidy frowned in confusion and slight disgust. "There's just, like, a bag of bones laying around that I didn't know about?"

"No." Klaus reassured. "But there is one. Dominic's death was a distraction."

"They used our own deception against us." Elijah realised.

"This thing has followers everywhere." Hayley was next to chime in, looking between the other four in worry. "They've infiltrated the entire city. If they get to the other bones before we do--"

"Then they may well try to raise this monstrosity." Klaus finished off Hayley's sentence. His eyes held concern... worry for his children, for his wife, for his family. "And it will come for us all."

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