91 - I am aware of your power, Cassidy

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 91 (2x19)
Word Count: 1397

Cassidy had been moved to a safe house with Hope and Leo to keep them safe from Dahlia. So she wasn't taking care of all three of her kids on her own, Alexandria stayed with Elijau and the two would occasionally visit the safe house so that Alexandria could see her mother. Kol and Hayley stayed with Cassidy at the safe house to act as bodyguards for their mate and the twins, and Hayley had also gotten a number of werewolves from her pack patrolling the area for any signs of Dahlia.

Sat at the table with Leo on her lap, and with Hope sat by her feet with her toys, Cassidy suddenly began to see green vines magically creeping up the outside and inside walls of the building. They became so thick and numerous that eventually, they completely covered the windows. Cassidy stood up, holding Leo in her arms and bending down to pick Hope up as well, balancing the twins on her hips protectively. The vines started blooming with blood-red flowers. Cassidy recognised the flowers from her encounter with Dahlia's proxies the previous day, and her breathing sped up in fear. She glanced at Kol and Hayley, who were also looking around at the vines in concern.

"They're dahlias. She knows we're here."

Hayley picked up her phone to call for a few of the werewolves patrolling the area to go and get help, but the call didn't go through.

"It's Dahlia." Cassidy realised. Hope started whimpering in her arms so, to make it easier on herself, she handed a content Leo to Kol so she could calm Hope down. "I can feel it. She's messing with the service."

"It's alright, I'll go and get Klaus." Kol sighed, holding his nephew in his arms protectively. He handed Leo over to Hayley and then walked over to press a kiss to Cassidy's temple. "I'll be right back." He went to vamp speed out of the safe house to go and get Klaus, but before he could, his neck was magically snapped, causing Kol to collapse to the ground, temporarily dead.

"Baby?" Cassidy gaped in shock, gently turning Hope's head towards her shoulder so she didn't see Kol get his neck snapped. She looked up from his body to see Dahlia stood in the doorway, and Hayley noticed her at the same time. The two mates clutched Hope and Leo closer to them, glaring at Dahlia. When Dahlia saw the twins, she clutched her heart and gasped.

"What beauties! Hello, my children. I--" She started to walk into the room, but she stopped when she noticed the thick line of sand that was spread over the entire length of the doorway that sealed Josephine's disruption spell within the room. "I was hoping for a more intimate chat. Though I sense by entering, you would have me at a considerable disadvantage."

"Why don't you come on in? I would love to show you some heretic hospitality." Cassidy snapped angrily.

"I only wanted to see the little ones who have been promised to me. Won't be long now... surely you've noticed the spell protecting you is growing weaker?" Dahlia smirked. She side-eyed Hayley with narrowed eyes. "I do not see why the werewolf is needed here for this."

"I'm not leaving my family alone with you. I'm here to stay." Hayley growled, bouncing a squirming Leo in her arms.

"Is that so?" Dahlia chuckled in amusement, raising her hand in preparation to cast a spell on Hayley, not even bothering if Leo was in her arms. She would still have Hope to take. But before she could harm Hayley and Leo, Cassidy raised her free hand that wasn't holding Hope up.

"If you lay a finger on either of them, I swear I will make you suffer in ways even your evil mind can't imagine! I'm a heretic, after all. You'd be surprised at the power I possess."

"I am aware of your power, Cassidy. I can feel it. I would offer you a chance to join me and embrace that power, but we all know what your answer would be. It is such a shame." Dahlia sighed once she spotted Cassidy's unwavering glare. "I have no quarrel with you. Esther made this bargain long ago. It's most unfortunate you've been dragged into it. You and all of your mates, and poor little Alexandria. I can sense her power, too."

"How about some advice?" Cassidy smirked sarcastically, but it was gone as quick as it came. "Stay the hell away from all of my children, or I swear to God, I will drag out your death slowly and painfully until you are a writhing mess of flesh and bones. Only then, when you are begging for mercy, will I grant you your final wish of death."

"I see you have been spending too much time with Niklaus." Dahlia smiled. "But it truly is a pity that I am to cause your family all of this pain."

"You talk like you don't have a choice." Hayley cut in. "But this is your doing!"

"When I give my word, I keep it, and I expect others to do the same. Esther and I made a bargain a long time ago, and so, you see, those children are rightfully mine. The only question you need ask is... would your mate deny me, knowing that it would mean her death?"

At Dahlia's words, Hayley felt an anger in her, stronger than she had ever experienced before. She saw red, gently passing Leo over to Cassidy again and lunging for Dahlia, but as if she was expecting that reaction, Dahlia raised her hand, choking Hayley without touching her.

But suddenly, after a few moments of Hayley struggling for breath, Dahlia stumbled a few feet backwards from a strong force, struggling slightly to regain her balance as Hayley caught her breath. Dahlia looked over at Cassidy, who still held Hope and Leo and didn't have a free hand to cast the spell. It then all clicked.

"Non-verbal magic. I am mildly impressed."

"You won't be when I use my 'non-verbal magic' to rip that cold, dead heart right out of your chest." Cassidy threatened. For a moment, fear flickered in Dahlia's eyes. Non-verbal magic was easy with fire spells, but to cast such a strong force like that effortlessly, that took a lot of training. Dahlia was finally starting to see how powerful Cassidy was. "You're not taking my children. Take the damn hint!"

Dahlia sighed and tried to remain patient with Cassidy, and ultimately decided to humor her a little.

"You're frightened for... your children. I can assure you, anything that Freya might have told you about our life together... well, she always had a flair for the dramatic."

"Hmm..." Cassidy pretended to think for a moment. "I think I'll believe Frey's words over the little kidnapper's, thanks."

"Well, then, of course, most of my troubles with Freya stemmed from the fact that I came for her so late in life--"

"So late?!" Cassidy gaped in disbelief, letting the recovered Hayley take Leo back into her arms. "Frey was five! You gave that poor, innocent kid a trauma that has lasted a thousand years! You kidnapped her away from her family!"

"That is exactly my point. Freya had such a strong memory of the family that I took her from. But Hope and Leo are so young, they won't cling to the memory of you, or cry for you in their sleep." Dahlia stated. "You can take comfort in the fact that for them, it will be as if you never existed."

"Come closer. Let's see how a witch with no magic does against a vampwitch." Cassidy threatened, sparks beginning to fly from her fingertips from the result of her fury. Suddenly, Hope started to cry in Cassidy's arms, and the sudden cry startled Leo, causing him to cry, too.

"Well, you've upset the children." Dahlia mocked as Cassidy and Hayley tended to the twins. "It's a pity... you ought not to waste your last hours with them this way. You should spend this time saying your farewells. Nightfall tomorrow will come all too soon. Goodbye for now, little ones." Dahlia gave them one last parting glance before she left.


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