Chapter 4

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The plan was set. The plan being, as I stated before, if you were paying attention, BRIBERY, and BLACKMAIL! Oh! I love those two words starting with B!

So how was I supposed to go about it?

Well, they wouldn't be called minions for no reason.

Within weeks, there were posters and flyers of me running for national election pasted all around my city.

You wouldn't see an electric pole or even a wall without several posters of me pasted all over them with thick super glue.

The other parties couldn't get the posters off, EVEN though they WERE trying, my GLUE was far too advanced for them to comprehend, let alone defeat.

That was only one phase of my domination.

I needed to get up dirt on the other parties fighting for the presidency. So I got my minions stalking them, cameras held tight and ready in their little brown gloved hands.

I told them to be sneaky, I told them to be sly... and ho, ho! You would not believe the secret information I got on my competition.

First off, ONE guy loved swimming in his pool in the nude. But that wasn't what would ruin him. You know how some people pee in the pool? Well, this guy, YOU would not believe.

He. Pooed.

Ew! I know, disgusting right? Well my minions had it all recorded on camera.

And one of my female opponents? Let's just say she liked to feed birds, and pigeons normally... but when no one was looking... Hee hee hee! Oh! She wouldn't just feed them! She would FEED ON THEM.

Seriously?! What was up with people? Especially these people!

I was the master of my city. Everywhere I strolled, dangerous music followed me. Partly, because Stuart would carry a boom box behind me, making the atmosphere badass, and making me the ultimate player of the game.

Behind me, my minions clicked their thumbs and walked in tow.

At school, the kids had stopped making fun of me. The reason... I wasn't just seen as bad anymore. But cool.

I was playing an adult's game and they were all amazed.

And I used this popularity the best way I could. I got them, to get their parents to vote for me, to FOLLOW me.

A group of loyal yet naive followers? I had already got that with my minions, but now, the public was starting to turn my way with infatuated eyes at the power I held deep inside.

And then, finally, the good news appeared.

I was sitting in class, at the back, leaning my skinny legs on the chair in front of me, just sharpening my nails with a filer, and listening absently to the teacher at the top of the class.

"So, what are your plans for the future?"

"My plans?" I scoffed, talking straight after she had spoken, "Well, my plans for the future are happening now. World domination... one country at a time."

The whole class giggled at me, but I wasn't ticked off. They thought I was joking, and I would let them continue to think that.

"And how are you to do that, Gru?"

I winked at her, clicking my thumb and pointing confident her way.

"With your vote."

The class erupted into giddy whispers and my teacher only rolled her eyes again, adding on to me.

Me, Myself and MinionsWhere stories live. Discover now