Chapter 6

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The day... well it came way too soon.

Partly because I wanted to get the deed done and fast, the other part because I had to seize my chance and take it!

I remember stepping into the white house with my many minions behind me. I hadn't told the rest of them about the plan yet, just Kevin and Stuart. My reasoning, if they all knew they might try to help and accidentally ruin all I had devised.

The walls of the White House were so clean, with many paintings from aeons past. The roof so high and the decoy so beautiful. Yes, it would be very pleasing when I eventually became president and would live there.

But for that to happen, something else had to happen first... i.e.: The death of the current president.

I quickly came into the parliament room where Greg was going over bills and transactions the government had prepared to discuss. He was at the top seat of the large business discussion, and many of his contemporaries were sitting down around a big oval table, throwing their own hats in for what was most important to talk about and change.

"Ah! Gru!"

I looked up when I heard his irritating kind voice. I stopped, standing straight and still and only glared at the president, nodding my head.

"Yes, Mr... President..." Saying his status was like spitting out poison from my mouth.

"Sit! Sit!" He told me with an urgent smile and I only rolled my eyes, strolling coldly over to the seat near him. I jumped onto it, my legs dangling because of my short height and my minions all gathered around me eagerly, giving me any moral support I would need.

"I didn't think you'd bring your whole family?" Greg said on to me and I only chuckled coldly as I replied.

"I don't think you think much at all, Mr President..." Again, saying his status burned my tongue badly.

"Right...?" He only answered, glancing over at the other men in office and he shrugged his shoulders to them, not knowing really how to handle my minions and me.

"Anyway," Greg finally went on, looking over his paper stacks with all the information and studies that had been typed up on them, "We have to do something about the inflation levels of this great country-"

I sat there, bored of all their adult talk. I just got myself a piece of plain paper and drew doodles on it for fun and to pass the very boring time.

My doodles were of me using different types of weapons to kill my stick figure sketch of the president.

It took two hours till the meeting was finally over, the minutes being taken up by the treasurer of that specific discussion.

I sighed out heavily, dropping back on my chair in pure exhaustion from what I had just gone through. I MEAN, jeesh! All these men did was blabber on! Talk, talk, talk and TALK!

As the suited-up men left the office, I quickly approached the president and smiled at him, a sly cold smile.

"So how did you find it, VICE president!" He cheered to me, seeming to think I was his friend, or at least an equal. HA! WHAT A LIE!

"It was..." I said slowly, thinking about all I had just been through in the last two hours, "...informative..."

"In a good way?"

I held my tongue in my tightly shut lips there for a second, before giving a hard nod, "...sure."

"That's good!" The president chimed, and stood up straight, clasping his two hands together, "That's GREAT!"

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