Boxes & Baggage

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Tucking his spare key in the pocket of his jeans, Todoroki pushed open the navy blue font door, giving three alerting knocks as he poked his head in.

"Hello?" He called out, slipping off his shoes as he shut the door.

"Hello? Who is it?" His mother's soft voice returned, her footsteps echoing down the stairs to see.

"It's Sho',"

"Oh, hello there dear," trodding down the slim hallway, Rei's outstretched arms invited her son into an embrace. "I've missed you,"

"Missed you too,"

"Oh, Fuyu's in the kitchen having coffee, we were just about to start on the boxes," She ushered him toward the open concept kitchen slash dining room, where his sister was sipping hazelnut coffee at the island counter.

"Hey there," Fuyumi chirped, setting down her mug and waving him over. "Coffee?"

"Hi 'Yumi, I suppose I'll take a coffee," Following Rei into the kitchen and taking a seat on the stool beside her, they exchanged an awkward half-hug. 

The three chatted for a minute, simply catching up before shifting over to Rei's guest room to begin unpacking the last few moving boxes.

It'd started to rain by then and between the peaceful chatter, puttering raindrops, and sweet coffee, he'd had a fine time.

That was their afternoon. One which ended up bleeding into the evening, though it was worth it, the extended stay got the guest room put together and they were able to share a little order-in dinner.

Fuyumi ended up staying with their mother for the night, but, having another early morning, Todoroki headed home, making sure to give each woman a proper goodbye before doing so.

He was back to his place around ten, full, sore, and eager to turn in for the night; which, was exactly what he did.

The next day was as usual.

Up at five, out the door by six, free skate 'til nine, teach privates from nine-thirty to noon, the drag himself home for lunch, only to return at five for the after-school classes and coach until seven, when he could finally go home to eat and sleep.

Well, first he had to make it to seven, that is, if this snowplow-Sam class didn't kill him.

Sighing as he scooped up another fallen toddler, Todoroki gently led the child back to the rest of the group, sneaking a glance at the clock as he did. Finally, five minutes remained.

"Who remembers last week, when we practiced swizzles?" He asked, receiving only silence for his try at including a fun new skill to occupy the last few minutes.

"I don' know!" the little boy in the Dino helmet exclaimed, smiling widely as he clung to the boards to stay upright.

"Who wants to try a swizzle?" The coach tried again, demonstrating the simple move, for the class.

Thankfully that got the group, they all followed along, slowly trailing their coach width-wise across the rink as they mostly failed to execute the new move.

"That was better," he enthused, glancing again to the clock. "Good job today, I'll see you all next week,"

Watching on with a sort of neutral concern, he made sure each child stumbled off the ice before leaving himself, heading right for the coaches room to unlace.

"Todoroki, there you are," his coach's voice called from beside as he sat, untying his skates alongside the other younger coaches.

"Huh? Were you looking for me?" Shouto returned blandly, glancing up from his loosened left skate.

"Eh, more 'r less," taking a seat to the boy's left, Torino took a deep inhale, staring out the rink then back at his pupil.

"You're retiring?" He blurted, shock gilding his voice.

"'fraid so," the old man chortled.

"After 52 years?" The blunt tone usually hinting his words shook briefly as his brow furrowed, subconsciously tugging at mittens as he processed.


"You taught me everything I know-"

"And now you shall pass it on."

"Yes but..."

"But what?"

"Apologies coach, I just... it won't be the same without you,"

"No, it won't, but it's my time, I can barely bend down anymore." Gran Torino smiled heartily, giving his stunned student a, humorous, fatherly shoulder slap.

"I understand." He paused, his gaze returning to the aged skater. "When... when are you leaving?" It was his turn to paused now, the words hesitant to admit.

"Tomorrow." Todoroki waited for any word to form, but silently faltered at the absence. "Anyway, that's why I wanted to chat,"


"Let me finish; anyway, as I was saying, I can't get anyone to cover my Saturday class, the adult one, could ya do me a favor?" The old man's smile widened, calculating eyes trying to gauge a reaction from the expressionless Shouto.

"Sure," Naturally the skater's mind diverted to that guy from yesterday, but quickly bounced back with bigger thoughts.

"And you'd be paid of course," he added, his previously wholesome smile forming a smirk.

"Thank you,"

With that Torino, fluffed the boy's hair and said goodbye, assuring he was still sticking around the rink, just on the sidelines.

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