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"You made me nervous." Todoroki said bluntly, not bothering to lift his hands from his jacket pockets as he faced the shorter Midoriya.

They stood in the bustling lobby, thinning with people hustling off for nightly activities and such. The show had since ended but Todoroki just couldn't get that, that one thing off his mind, and, so, he'd confronted the grenette before leaving.

"Oh, I'd bet it's scary going out in front of all those people," he chirped, expressive gestures enunciating his words.

"No." The skater said firmly, his towering height in skates suddenly becoming more distinct. "You made me... nervous, that, that hasn't happened before, I, I've never been nervous during a competition... ever." Todoroki faltered for the words, fruitless in his efforts.

The grenette was quiet for an excruciating moment. Then, he began to laugh.
A hearty, adoring, laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, your just cute, I—" He caught the word far after it'd rolled off his tongue, much too late to hesitate upon it. "Sorry, that was a bit much, a bit forward... but it's true," he cracked yet another smile, a soft pink glow gently rolling off his cheeks, forcing Todoroki's to hint a much brighter red.

Inhaling sharply, Shouto attempted a small smile, subconsciously fidgeting with the hem of his jacket. "Mhm?"

"So... D- do you want to go grab some food? You've got to be hungry after that, I certainly am," he beamed adorably.

"I suppose... yes," Shouto's eyes darted around, hands fidgeting in overdrive inside their respective pockets. "You don't mind waiting a moment do you? I'd like to put on my normal clothes."

Obviously, it was of no inconvenience to Midoriya, and he was rather glad to see the taller boy dressed down in ripped jeans, a t-shirt and his jacket, he looked... softer, prettier.  More than a glittering decorated figure skater, sharp and graceful in movement and tongue, he was a person, warm and subtly gorgeous, clumsy on foot with a gentler demeanor.

Blinking away the rapid-spreading smudge of blush, the freckled boy twirled his key ring, a non-verbal offer to drive.

Shouto bid a hasty goodbye to Yaoyorozu, ignoring her childish tease as the left, and hurriedly apologizing to Midoriya about her comfort in joking. To which, the grenette just laughed, admiring the vibrant embarrassment radiating from his fidgeting hands and flying gaze.

Cute, he thought again.

Midoriya's car was thankfully parked close to the entrance, a slurry of ice mixed with rain had begun to pour over the landscape, a sloppy sludge, promising later discomfort. The two ran for it gleefully, through the ick, Midoriya's bursting laughs a sharp contrast to Shouto's soft puffs of giggle.

Originally, they'd planned to drive around, find a place to eat, but this weather wouldn't permit any pleasant outing. Instead they sat in the parking lot, discussing plans through rocky conversation.

Why was the converse so tense? Todoroki thought, almost in sarcasm, knowing it was attributed to his allowing that twinge of anxiety to hold back each soft-spoken word rolling off his tongue. Slowing the ease of friendly chat.

As the windshield had been blurred with watery sludge pouring terribly from the sky, Midoriya offered a suggestion,

"I'm sorry, I know I asked you out, but the weather it getting bad, do you... do you want to go to my place? I can cook, but I can certainly understand if you're not interested,"

Despite a hesitance, unwanting to impose, Shouto accepted.

On they way, they chatted of simple nothings, Midoriya focused on the road as the other boy gazing at water droplets tracing delicately over the window glass. Honestly, the grenette found it was quite sweet, when his eyes briefly flicked to admire him, his soft-spoken words lit lit with a sort of innocent joy, Midoriya'd never heard.

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