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Sorry if this chapter reads weird, I've never been in a romantic relationship before and I'm just basing this on a recent romantic dilemma I'm in
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"Dating? Congrats man!" Yaomomo smiled, playfully punching his shoulder. "Wish I'd've known sooner!"

"I, I've been enjoying it."

It'd been a month since that night. The two had gone on quite a few more dates since then and, in all honesty, it was better than anything Todoroki could have dreamed.

At the thought, a small, soft, smile hinted at his lips as he tucked thin gloves into his skating bag. Actually, at the moment he was packing up to meet Midoriya for a little night in.

Before bidding goodbye, Yaoyorozu made him promise to introduce her sometime, which he reluctantly agreed to, hurrying out the door.

Outside, another dreary rain, plastered itself across the gray sky the chill whipping through the air nipped at every warmth.
Except one...

Standing in the parking lot, a warm glow emitted gently from him. Beneath an umbrella, his soft green sweater and brown pants stood out vibrantly in the weather's gray slobber.

"Hey there cutie," the now familiar voice flushed the tips of his ears as Shouto intercepted a quick kiss. "Ready to go?"

"Mhm," adjusting his bag's strap, he happily took Izuku's hand, following him to the car. "I'm tired."

This particular day, they were going back to Shouto's apartment for a simple, relaxing afternoon, nothing fancy.

It'd become an opportunity each Friday, Shouto ended classes at two thirty, and Izuku's job let off around noon, creating this perfect window of time for dates or, like today, just chill time.

"Oh, I stopped by the store on the way and grabbed sushi and a pack of mitarashi dango you hungry at all?" Izuku mentioned after a moment, barely able to finish before an eager yes erupted from his boyfriend.

When the two arrived, they grabbed their respective bags and belongings and trudged up to the second level, where the apartment awaited.

Later that afternoon, as they lay sprawled out on the couch, Midoriya running his hands through his sleeping boyfriend's disheveled hair, he couldn't help but feel the deepest sense of peace, perfection, serenity.

Rain pittered against the windows, and he took quick notice as Shouto began to stir.

"Afternoon sleepyhead," he smiled, running another hand through Todoroki's mismatched hair. "How was your nap?"

"I'm hungry," stretching out like a cat in the sun, he let his head fall softly into his boyfriend's lap. "Did you eat without me?" He mumbled, still in the struggle of waking up.

"No, 'course not, I was gonna bring it to ya but you were fast asleep on the couch,"

"Aren't you hungry? You shouldn't have to wait on me to eat,"

"Nah, I wanted to eat with you," booping the tip of his nose, the freckled boy couldn't help but smile nonchalantly. "The food tastes better anyways."

Frustrated by the caring stubbornness, the skater cupped his hands around freckled cheeks, staring, reading sternly into emerald eyes.

Rolling his eyes at the aggressive affection, Izuku gladly intercepted the apologetic peck as he rose to grab said food.

About to trail him to the kitchen, the skater became suddenly aware of the soreness that'd settled deep into his legs, sinking back into the couch cushions with a little groan. The longer hours were starting to catch up to him.

Midoriya set their now dinner, on the coffee table, handing a pair of chopsticks to Shouto and opening the packages. They each murmured a Japanese meal-prayer and grabbed a bite.

They put on the tv, leaving the volume down to chat while they ate, talking of all sorts of things. But eventually an inevitable question plumed into the conversation.

"Hey Sho," lowering his chopsticks, Midoriya turned to give his boyfriend full attention. "I've been wondering, why did you want to be a figure skater?"

"Huh? Oh, my dad wanted me to, but," he paused, thinking through the answer. "I shouldn't say he wanted me to, I, he hoped I'd do hockey but that stuff was too intense, I was a pretty good skater though and he figured that that would be good enough. And I liked it, so... so it stuck."

"Oh, okay," quickly feeling he'd touched a painful memory, Izuku changed the subject. "Just curious,"

The night passed on without a hitch, just the two of them, wasting away the hours cuddling beneath piles of blankets, enwrapped in the soft breaths echoed in plump raindrops.

A feeling almost indescribably warming, like a warm drink after you've been playing in the snow. Unfortunately though, the world keeps moving during times of seeming stillness.

After a glance of a notification on his phone, Izuku noted the time, quickly realizing he'd far overstayed.

"Oh crap, I've gotta go, I've got work tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah, it's already nine thirty," sitting up a bit, the slight movement allowed Midoriya stand and begin to collect himself and belongings. "Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah, I've got to be up by seven. Trust me, I wish I could stay though,"

Briefly, the air quieted between them.

"Then stay."


"Why not?"

The freckled boy considered for a moment, their arms twining into a comfortable embrace.

"Stay, stay with me." Hesitance swam in his irises over the words too long gone to recant, in anticipation, he bit his lip.

"Why not?"

"You'll stay?!"


Unable to hold back, in a fit of joy, Shouto pulled him into an excited kiss, cupping freckled cheeks that fit perfectly into his palms. The gesture, it's purity, dusted Izuku's cheeks in perfect pinkness.

"You're too cute for your own good, you know that right?"

"I know." Pulling him back into the blanket pile to the couch, Todoroki wrapped him in his arms, cherishing the feeling of warm skin, beneath his tight embrace.

"And I love ya."

"Love you too,"

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