Sparks and Sparkles

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Todoroki brushed off his costume, smoothing out the slight patch of wrinkled fabric. Admiring its lovely, but subtle, shimmer in the bathroom light.

It was an old costume, from his competition days, a short-sleeved turtleneck of back fabric, a cut of sheer black fabric encircling just above his bellybutton, giving a crop top look, that, naturally, was covered in rhinestones. He'd always favored it and there was no sense in getting a whole new costume for the small function.

Entirely for the aesthetic, he stuck a few rhinestones on his cheeks, almost smiling at the fun of it. He'd always wanted to do that, actually, he could recall the first time he wore this costume, begging his dad to wear glitter makeup, and getting in trouble for even suggesting it.

Quickly, his gaze shifted, taking in the reflection looking back from the mirror. He looked nice.

His phone pinged with the arrival of a notification, he flipped it screen-side up, a small heat casting it's shadow upon his cheeks as his eyes scanned the name.

"Hm?" breathy wonder laced his abrupt word, clicking the screen to blackness in an attempt at avoidance.

In the mirror, a sparkle caught in mismatched irises, surprising him a bit. He blinked hard, turning hurriedly away, and snatching his jacket off the counter.

With his keys and skates in hand, he made it out the door in time, eating a power bar on the way, and pondering dinner plans.

At the rink, he could barely find a spot to park, despite being early, the parking lot was packed with people. In the end, he parked across the street, jogging over as biting autumn chill nipped at his cheeks, ruffling his hair.

High tops softly hit the pavement as he slowed near the entrance, jacket flapping uselessly in the wind.

Squeezing through the sea of people swarming the lobby, he finally made it to the coach's room, setting his things down in a heap as Yaoyorozu talked him through the evening's schedule, throwing in the occasional wardrobe compliment.

She had a costume on as well, for her own showcase, one of lovely red lace, completely void of the usual flashy glimmer of figure skating costumes. The fabric trailed completely down her arms ending in a triangle-shape at her middle finger, a shallow turtleneck clasped around her neck, a short skirt following the natural shape of her waist, longer in front and shorter beside the hips, complimented by a pretty teardrop-shaped keyhole down her back.

Her face donned no makeup, and her hair tumbled perfectly as usual from her ponytail, like every show and competition before, she looked gorgeous.

Handing him a copy of the schedule along with a list of their participating student's she continued her rundown of that night.

Obviously, he knew exactly how this type of thing worked, but as usual, he just let her run through her stress with the chatter.

Shortly after, their students arrived and Todoroki led them in a warm up, while Yaoyorozu frantically checked on the sound system.

They been instructed to wait in the hockey lockers but most of the students crowded around the boards to watch and cheer on their peers as the show began.

Yaomomo calmed down, eventually joining them on the sidelines to watch and send out her skaters when the time came.

The evening was stressful, but pleasant, as expected and by seven pm, the little competition kids had thinned out and it was time for the the big showcase. 

Up-and-coming youngsters went first, their serious demeanors laughable when it came to the small in-house function. Then the time drew close, an acquaintance finished up his program, and Shouto was called to the door-side benches to wait.

As he waited the usual steps flowed through his mind with ease.

One, run through his routine, two, check skates and costume just in case, and finally, clear his mind of ever thought. The last step was the easiest, one deep, clear breath always managed.

Calm and collected his eyes drifted to the audience, reading their reactions to measure overall mood, when, his eyes locked on one particular person.

Midoriya was here.

He sat, closest to the ice, bundled in a orange sweater, beaming brightly through the bustling crowd.

Shouto looked quickly away, a creeping buzz jittering from head to toe, a sense of discomfort edging his nerve. He knew this sensation— barely able fobremember it in full, the name sat hazy in his memory.


He was nervous, that was this bouncy anxious feeling. But why? He hadn't been nervous before a competition since his very first one? There was always eyes on him, but you get used to it, it's never comfortable but it becomes routine.

But, that one pair. Richly green, a shade more ravishing than the most robust, healthful, foliage, gently piercing, glittering and lively as sundrops. Those eyes would spotlight him, watching with an eagerness comparable to hunger, always laced with that consuming softness.

Again, mismatched, cold eyes scanned the stands, a jitter warming his cheeks when they landed on him.

Nervous shake stained his stable hands, gripping the bench seat.

Suddenly, Midoriya flashed a wave from the stands, smudging crimson blush across his face, pulling his gaze to his knees as a small wave was returned.

His mouth crinkled in embarrassment as he tried desperately to brush off the exchange and consequential nervousness, disturbed by his name being called over the loud speaker. He'd been called out to the ice.

The previous skater wished him luck as he stood, to which he barely managed a muttering thanks, through a swell of nerve. Blankly subdued as it quickly washed away.

His skates glid across the slightly torn ice, the only sound beside hushed whispers, echoing through the rink. Skidding to a stop center ice, he posed in waiting, admiring the glitter of his costume even more beneath the harsh rink lights.

Suddenly his eyes drifted back to the bleachers,  latching onto, then quickly off of a lovely sight, a smile now tugging at the corner of his mouth.

The first notes of 'Born From Ashes' played, and with a newfound spark of silently calm joy, he began to skate.

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