In Trouble

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Chrissy's pov:

I woke up to a knock on the door.

I sit up, and Eddie opens his eyes.

"Come in!" Eddie yells, tiredly.

Eddie's uncle Wayne comes in, "Chrissy your mom just called, she wants you home."

"Shit!" I say, jumping out of bed and quickly picking up all my stuff.

Eddie's alarm clock read 9:47AM.

I started rushing even more.

I had thrown up so many times during the night I barely slept, I sat next to the toilet for most of the night.

Eddie got up, "I'll see you at school?"

"Maybe, I don't know. I love you." I said hugging him and giving him a kiss before leaving.

I got in my car and drove home quickly.

The whole time I was tapping my fingers against my steering wheel nervously.

Once I got home I ran inside quickly.

My mom was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Jesus, Chrissy!!! Where the hell have you been?!" She yells.

"Mom! I'm sorry, I fell asleep at Eddie's!" I say.

She walks up to me with tears in her eyes.

"Chrissy, I can smell the alcohol and weed on you. What is he doing to you?" She says, starting to cry.

I was furious. He wasn't doing anything. I chose to do all these things with him on my own.

"Oh my god, mom! He's not doing anything! I wanted to do all of this!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes.

"You were supposed to come home last night Chrissy! And you didn't! You were with Eddie! I tried to ignore it, but he's not a good person!" She cries.

"He's not a good person?! Are you fucking kidding me? You don't even know what a good person is! You were never there for me! You starved me! Then all of a sudden your all nice?! Believe me, I know what this is. It's all your little plan so I gain your trust and then you can do the exact same thing you did before. The same thing, mom! I'm not playing along anymore! I'm tired. But believe me, I will leave again." I yell.

I just wanted to disappear so badly. My mother made me feel hated.

Tears ran down my face as I ran upstairs into my room.

I slammed my door shut and sat on the floor crying.

How could she hate the only person who cared for me so much?


Author's Note:
I know this is a really short chapter but it leads up to more Eddie and Chrissy! I haven't been updating a lot recently because I was really busy, but I should have a good amount of time this week.

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