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this chapter's song:
count on me bruno mars

Jungwon had never experienced heartbreak before. He had always thought that heartbroken people were exaggerating their pain. And— he wasn't necessarily heartbroken but he imagined the pain he was feeling was probably pretty close. He didn't know why he was so affected. He swore that he would never let anyone get him to this point. And— he felt so stupid that he feels this way over a friendship that barely even started. A boy. A boy that befriended him because his stupid mother told him to. And— all the times his mother begged him to make friends never helped him actually make any. Because all he wanted was a genuine connection and nothing about this situation was genuine.

He had ignored his mother all night. Instead of apologizing, she yapped on about how she was only trying to help. Not even a single care about how he felt about any of it. She didn't care. She doesn't understand that helping would be leaving him be. And— yes, maybe he did get a friend out of all this but that wasn't the point at all. Maybe. But— he was still very upset at her.

After Jungwon had ignored all his calls and messages, Jay had stopped by later at night. And— when Jungwon had looked out the window and saw Jay, he knew he was on a low run. Jungwon wasn't going to lie— he felt terrible about it. Because ultimately, he wasn't upset at Jay. Not one bit.

Because even if their friendship didn't start off genuine, he knew they felt the same way about each other. Jay saved him.

So, there he was— in front of Jay's house at two a.m. Only a few hours after he saw Jay from his window. And— he had no idea what got him there but there he was and there was no going back now.

Jungwon held his phone up to his ear. "Jungwon?" He heard through the phone.

"I'm in front of your house."

"You are?" Jay asked, Jungwon looking up at his window to see him peeking out.

"I can give you five minutes."

"I'll be down." Jay said and the call ended.

Jungwon took a deep breath.

"Jungwon, hi."

"Hi. I'll let you talk."

"I'm so sorry," Jay went on, "I met your mom a week ago— it was my second day here. Me and my mom went for a walk around the neighborhood and we bumped into her on the way back. After we talked for a bit, she told me about you. Told me how you were having a hard time and how she was worried about you. She said that she would love it if I took the time to check up on you."

Jungwon took another deep breath, unable to make eye contact with Jay.

"She didn't mean any harm, Jungwon. Be mad at me, not her."

"She always means harm."

"The first day of school— the day we met, I didn't do it for her. I saw you and I winged it? I don't know what I'm saying right now. It was my first week at a new place and I went up to you because I wanted to be friends. Being neighbors just made it easier. Everything I had ever said to you was genuine. Us—this is genuine. At this point, it would suck losing you. I don't want to lose you. And— if there is anything I could do to make it up to you— I'll—"

Jay said 'Us—this' and Jungwon had the feels. He could feel the fuzziness in the pit of his stomach, the tip of his ears warming up, and he was pretty sure his face was bright tomato red right now.

"Shut up."


Jungwon's pursed lips turned upward, into a small smile. "You don't want to lose me?"

Jay smiled softly. "Never."

"Good, because I feel the same way."


"Yeah," Jungwon went on, "I forgive you."

And it was then when Jungwon saw the biggest, brightest grin he had ever seen on Jay's face. "Can I hug you?"

Jungwon nodded and Jay wrapped his arms around him. He leaned his head on Jay's chest and bit his bottom lip. Jay smelled good— like the scent Mahogany Teakwood (but even better). He felt warm and safe. Jungwon felt his throat get dry and pulled away first.

"You're such a loser." Jungwon said, earning a chuckle from Jay.

Jay hesitated. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming into my life," Jay went on, "You basically saved me."

Jungwon's mouth fell agape. "I saved you? You saved me."

Jay grinned with a chuckle. "No, really though."

"Have we really turned into those sentimental, cringey people?"

Jay nodded with pursed lips. "Perhaps."

"Gross." Jungwon said, making Jay laugh. "Also, at the rock,"

"The rock? Like The rock Dwayne Johnson?" Jay joked (badly), earning a frown from Jungwon.

"Ha ha, so funny." Jungwon said sarcastically. "But— when you said your low run was because of your parents— are you okay?"

Jay hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, it's just— they're getting a divorce."

"I'm sorry," Jungwon went on, "I didn't know."

"It's all good. How could you have known?"

"We were always talking about me." Jungwon bit the inside of his cheek, feeling sorry for his friend.

"Jungwon, stop. I just never mentioned it," Jay paused, "And besides, they should've gotten a divorce years ago."

"What, why?"

Jay laid his head to the side, earning a crack from his neck from the action. "Cause dad's an asshole and mom's a pushover."


"It's okay— it's over now and my dad's leaving so."

"Well, the rock and I are here for you." Jungwon said, causing Jay's mouth to widen a little.

Jay jokingly bit back a laugh, pretending to cringe. "That was a good one."

"But seriously— I'm here for you."

Jay nodded and looked at him, attempting to lock eyes. And they did. "I'm here for you too. Always."

Jungwon couldn't help but stare into Jay's eyes. Glistening in the dark sky— it's all he could see.

"Well, we should probably go to bed. We have school in the morning." Jungwon said, rolling his eyes.

"Touché— I'm happy we got to talk."

"Me too. Goodnight, Jay." Jungwon said, walking backwards so his body was still facing towards Jay.

"Goodnight, Jungwon. I'll see you tomorrow."

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