An Institution of Hypocrisy

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Kaeman once again let his thoughts overtake him to dwell on the events of the past.

The King was dead. His legions were defeated. Everyone who he had sent he had known would die. They had defeated all but two of the dragons. Jythar, the leader, and Chozon, who now dwelled in the Spider's den. 

In the King's desperation, he had committed a cardinal sin. He had used a forbidden tome of knowledge to drive his forces to victory. And then, he used it to kill Jythar. 

But alas, the book itself was transcribed by the dragons, and the King was not fit to use its magic. He withered away and was forsaken by heaven. 

But what was that book?

Before the dawn of the kingdom, a book was transcribed by an unknown author, most likely a dragon. It contained the language of the Gods. Runes, that when utilized by the correct user, could create magical spells at will. When used by the incorrect user, catastrophic consequences could be brought upon the land. Thus was the warning inscribed on the first page. 

Kaeman once again arose from his trance, but his tears were replaced with rage. After such a disastrous event, one would think that the rational conclusion would be to throw the book into the void. But no, the scholars of the land, in the absence of the King, formed their own kingdom, based around decrypting the secrets of the book. Rudimentary spells were decrypted and the Mage Academy was formed. 

The royals were so unconcerned with the safety of their people, that they had sent thousands of children and civilians to die. And then, the King himself committed an appalling action, killing countless more.

Kaeman vowed that one day, he would destroy that book. Nothing could ever happen like that again. And once he had destroyed it, he would destroy the institution that preached restraint and caution, yet continued to utilize the book in their teachings. 

They called it, the Necronomicon. 

And now, Kaeman held it in his hands.

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