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Yea so I got hit by a f**king car, was in the hospital for awhile. Wrote this while on pain meds, apologies if its a bit incoherent...

"Yes, he is the one with the visions. The one with the scarf."

Kaeman's expressionless face blinked slowly, twisting his head slightly to indicate approval. 

"You have done well, Necron. Tonight, we will recruit a powerful foe."


Running his hand over his face, Necron tensed up once again. It was spreading. Yes, Kaeman had told him this would happen, but he didn't expect it to happen so... quickly. The discoloration of his skin was now more noticeable than ever. 

The magic took a toll on him. A heavy one, at that. Pulling his cloak over his face, he quietly opened his door and checked outside to see if someone was watching. Kaeman had laid out the plan in great detail. His role would be easy to fulfill.

Walking through the woods once again, the moonlight illuminating the ground around him in an ethereal glow, Necron approached the inn. A faint bustle of activity could be heard from the inn as fog rolled over the undergrowth. And then, Necron spied his target.

Necron smiled slightly, and then continued walking towards the inn. Sitting down at a corner table, Necron pulled his hood over his darkened face, hiding it from view. The tavern was fairly empty tonight, but there were still a few patrons drunkenly lumbering across the floor. 

He held his spell book in his lap, Kaeman had told him to carry it wherever he went. Why he had said this, Necron did not know. But it was clear that Kaeman thought that danger lurked around the corner at every turn. 

It was sensible, in a way. If anyone were locked up for 17 years and then given another chance, they would want to be as cautious as possible. 


Lanthrop felt a sense of deja vu and a headache, before continuing to the tavern... What had just happened? Walking into the main bar, he saw a dark shadowy figure in the corner...

"Wait.. this is one of my visions... I've seen this before..."

Lanthrop muttered under his breath, confused. Only twice in his life had one of his visions actually come true. Once, of the rift opening, and now, this seemingly eventless night at the local inn... Surely his foresight was not wasting its abilities on a night like this... No, something sinister was afoot. 

Wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck, Lanthrop cautiously observed his surroundings. Surely the threat would reveal itself soon. For now, all he could do was wait.

This chapter is dedicated to YC_Moni, a friend of mine who is very fun to talk to and has been there for me for a long while. Thanks for being a good friend.

Also remember to join the discord! It's pretty cool :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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