One Shade Darker, Part 2

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Walking through the forest in the morning fog gave an eerie vibe to an otherwise calm setting. Each scamper of a small animal could be unsettling, as its origin was hidden beneath the thick layer of mist that enveloped the undergrowth. 

Necron treaded carefully through the dense brush, his eyes switching between focusing on Lanthrop in front of him and the ground beneath him. The canopy above blocked out all but a bit of sunlight, illuminating small patches of the ground, the rays of light cutting through the fog. 

"So, Lanthrop, do you mind telling me where we are going? It seems you are just leading us into the wilderness."

Silence seemed to echo around as Necron realized he had been separated from Lanthrop. His calm demeanor was able to suppress the panic that rose up within, but it could not be denied that it was there.

Closing his eyes to listen for nearby sounds, Necron thought he could hear a voice in the distance. Slowly opening his eyes, he began to walk in the direction of the voice, but he couldn't stop a small part of his brain from thinking something was wrong. 

After hearing a few more distant phrases, Necron was able to make out whose voice it was. Immediately, he briskly but quietly walked towards a large tree and placed his back against it, concealing himself from the voice that was fast approaching.

"Lanthrop, is that you? Where are you?"

"Yes, it's me, I'm here."

Necron held his breath and shut his eyes tight, using every ounce of strength he had to not make a noise. Lanthrop was here too. He had to stay hidden.

"Lanthrop, you are in danger. Dr. Emmett tells me you are seeking out Necron to help analyze the wreckage of the cage."

Necron's eyes shot open, a glare spreading across his face, his lips contorting into a frustrated expression.

"I can't prove anything right now, but I have a hunch that Necron may have been involved in the Wither King's disappearance."

Gritting his teeth, Necron felt a mix of anger and anxiety rise up in his chest. His fists clenched as he tried to restrain himself from taking action.

"Everyone thinks that the Wither King simply perished, but what if Necron has aided him and allowed him to escape? We must question him."

"If you can get any evidence for it, let me know, but there is no way that Necron would have been able to get past the countless barriers that were in place."

Necron heard footsteps walking away from the pair, it must be Lanthrop leaving. 

"Yes, he has an interest in dark magic, but I don't think it's fair to implicate him based on that alone. For now, I will return to Dr. Emmett and inform him of your hunch, but then I must look for Necron. I can't just abandon him in this forest."

Crunching footsteps faded into the distance as Necron allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief. But inside, he felt betrayed. How could he? Of course, he was right, but no one could know. 

No one could know... 

A forlorn expression crossed Necron's face as he conjured a blade of dark steel. Necron whispered to himself to reassure his conscience in the action he was about to take.

"No one can know... I have to..."

Pivoting on one foot, he revealed himself, and drew his blade back to charge a strike that would end this battle before it began. With a grunt, Necron dashed forward, blade in hand, cutting the body down the middle. 

"No one can know... I'm sorry..."

A thump emanated from the body as it struck the ground, but the strike from Necron's blade had not been enough to end its life. 

"Necron...  why... why me? Why have you done this..."

A tear flowed down Necron's face as he raised his blade again, thrusting it swiftly into the body of the Dean. 

As the life force left the Dean's body, Necron's soul turned 




This chapter is dedicated to Stijn, a good friend of mine who has helped me through some hard times recently and helped me to have the motivation to continue writing this series. Thank you so much, Stijn. <3

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