Feigning Ignorance

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"Interesting... I can't say I know what happened here, but surely this is the work of dark magic."

Necron's eyes turned to face Dr. Emmett as he awaited his response. 

"Well, we figured that much already. We were hoping that you could give us some insight as to what kind of magic it is, and whether or not the Wither King is truly dead."

Necron nodded slowly, his thoughts racing. He had to convince the Doctor and Lanthrop that Kaeman was dead. He walked in a large arc around the edge of the desaturated ground, his mind still racing from the events that had taken place just minutes prior. He had killed a man. Not just any man, the man who stood up for him and was like a father figure to him for his whole life.

He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. 

"Despite the rumors you may have heard about me, I don't actually know much of anything about dark magic. But you are correct that I have been interested in it for most of my life."

Dr. Emmett seemed skeptical of his words, and opened his mouth to say something, before quickly closing it and once again turning his attention back to Necron.

"With the limited knowledge that I do have of dark magic, I have come to the conclusion that Kaeman is indeed dead. It seems that his the remainder of his essence has leaked out upon the island."

Necron immediately realized his mistake when he finished talking. Lanthrop was quick to the draw to question him about it.

"Kaeman, you say? The Wither King's true identity. As far as I know, that is not a readily available piece of information. You seem to be hiding how much you really know, Necron."

Necron's heart began to beat faster, and he narrowed his eyes, preparing to lie.

"I've met his wife. Sarah. I sought her out to learn more about dark magic, but she had no information for me. Although, we did talk about her husband a fair bit. Apparently he had actual motivation other than wanting to destroy the island."

Necron shook his head slightly, his long hair cascading onto his face, obscuring any hints that he may be lying. He looked at Lanthrop directly eye to eye with a piercing gaze that warned against further questions. Alas, Lanthrop did not heed this warning.

"So, if you had to... venture a guess... what would you say happened here?"

Necron seemed surprised at the question, but nonetheless answered with confidence, lying through his teeth. 

"I would say that the tome that he employed during his attack held certain properties that kept him alive, and those effects simply wore off. Alas, he was unable to continue living, and all of the dark magic that was pent up inside him was released upon his death. I can't say for sure that that is what happened, but it's my best guess."

Lanthrop's expression was filled with curiosity, but he seemed satisfied with the answer that Necron had provided him. 

"Well, thank you for... helping, Necron. It's getting dark outside... Perhaps we may continue our research another day."

The three figures exchanged uneasy looks on their journey back to the town, everyone seemed to be hiding something, deep beneath the surface of their complexion.


This chapter is dedicated to Titan, an IRL friend who also helps edit these chapters before they release. They often catch a lot of mistakes that I wouldn't have seen. Thanks for your work!

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