Memories of the Future

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read the dungeon journals pls they are important to understand the story

Mountain... crack... eye... descend... learn... teach... 

Lanthrop awoke from his sleep. This had been the third time that his dreams seemed to be different. He had a feeling deep inside that they meant something important. It was almost as if they were telling him to do something...

Or perhaps, something that he had already done. He shook his head and walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen. Dr. Emmett had already prepared breakfast for him. 

Ever since Jythar's attack on the kingdom, Lanthrop had sensed... another presence. It came from the top of the mountain. He had only been 4 years old at the time, but he knew it was there. 

11 years later, on the day before Lanthrop's 16th birthday, Kaeman had attacked the castle with his army of wither skeletons. He watched in horror as the kingdom repeated its mistakes from 11 years prior. They sent civilians into battle just as they had done when Jythar attacked, and made the loss of life much greater than it should have been.

In a way, he agreed with Kaeman's motive. The royals were corrupt beyond belief,  and every time there was an attack, it was evident that they did not care about their citizens, sending them to die when they knew there was a better way... But what Kaeman had done was unforgiveable. His fists clenched as he tried to suppress the memories.

Back to the present. Dr. Emmett was talking.

"Lanthrop, are you even listening to me? Recently you have been consumed by those trances much more often than usual. Now can you tell me, what did you dream about last night?"

Dr. Emmett tilted his head in curiosity, awaiting an answer.

"Well... I saw the eye again. It was... leading me somewhere. The castle is destroyed, like usual. But this time the town is different, too. I went down into the coal mine. There was an entrance into something underground, and the eye passed through it, but I couldn't follow it."

He clenched his fists tighter as he continued to try and suppress the memories of Kaeman's Calamity. He rushed to his room and closed the door. Painful memories flooded into his head as he was forced to once again relive the most painful thing he could imagine.

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