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Well hey everybody! Long time no see!

About 2-2.5 years ago I got logged out of this account, and it has been a PAIN IN THE ASS trying to get back in, however alas, I am here.


I have began going through my chapters of Revolution and editing and adding new media to the chapters. Once I finish Revolution I will be going back to edit Stones and may even go to edit Honey as well.

In my hiatus, I have continued writing Averly and Juliette's story on my notes app, I have about 50% of Revolution finished and would love to post it.

However, I wonder if after all this time if anybody is still interested in Averlys story? Are any of you still here? Does anybody still care for these characters as much as I do?

Before I begin publishing more chapters I suppose I just want to see if there is still an audience, or if i'm posting these for me and my own fulfillment.

Regardless, it feels great to be back, and I'm excited for what's to come.

If there is anybody still interested in the progression of Revolution, I suggest going back and re reading the first few chapters as there have been some relatively significant changes made, and as always, your feedback means the world to me.

Please pop in the comments and say Hi, let me know what you'd like to see more or less of in this story, and maybe one awesome thing that's happened to y'all in the last 2-3 years. 
I'll go first, now at 22 years old, i'm engaged, moved to North Texas and have a degree in Creative Writing and Journalism.

With all of the love in the world,


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