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Hogwarts was no longer the home that it used to be. The beautiful enigma of a castle used to be a place of salvation, of peace and tranquility. However, to the white haired hurricane of a girl, it was nothing but a never ending labyrinth. A labyrinth where each of her nightmares lurked in the vast dark corners and empty class rooms ready to torture her, to violate her, to make her pay for wrong doings she never bought into.

The entire weekend before classes actually begun, Averly Malfoy didn't leave her room, not for meals, not for adventures, not even for Lee Jordan who sat outside her door through the entirety of Friday night. Lee didn't talk much, only too let her know that he was still right there if she needed him. 

Averly sat on the other side of the door, crumbled in a ball, with silent tears pouring down her face tracing the places where her classmates hands relentlessly rained down on her. Her body wracked with contained screams as her teeth bit down on a pillow to muffle it all, thinking that surely if she hadn't done so, the walls of the castle would've crumbled from the inside out.

Averly Malfoy was not okay, she was completely and utterly falling apart.

She didn't know what rock bottom for her was, but surely, she thought,  it had to feel something like this.

Lee Jordan seemed to be the only person who really saw Averly for what she was, she wasn't acting out or being a bitch, not entirely in any way.

Lee was the only person who could see that the youngest Malfoy had completely become undone, and he was terrified for her.

The weekend had come and gone in somewhat of a blur for Averly. That Monday she decided to get up early and go for walk before rejoining society for breakfast in the great hall.

It felt odd to her, standing in front of the mirror looking at her self in perfectly straight Gryffindor robes, her porcelain white hair in a tight and neat braid falling down her back.  She couldn't even recognize the young woman looking back at her.

Her cheeks and collarbones protruding more than they ever had, her eyes, though the same piercing vivid blue color were now encased by dark circles. Averly Malfoy looked like the epitome of exhaustion.

With a sigh and a wave of wand making sure she looked as pristine as she was expected to be, she set off through the castle. Her feet glided across the floor as if not touching at all while simultaneously erupting thunderstorms in her wake.

She made her way out the front door of the castle and over to the large oak tree that rested along the shore of the black lake.

The sun had just barely begun to rise. Averly took a deep breath looking into the newborn dawn watching the wildlife come awake with the sun.

Lighting a cigarette and bringing it to her lips, she felt a small recognItion of peace, calm before the students awoke and the castle turned into a frenzy of first years rushing to their first day of classes and peeves wreaking havoc in the long hallways.

The toxic tabbaco filled her lungs swimming its way all the way to her stomach before blowing it back out through her mouth.

"What are you doing here"

Averly was up in less than an instant, her lit ciggarette falling to the ground leaving a charred spot of grass where the hot embers lay. With her wand thrusted in front of her, her heart began to race, her chest tightened in fear.

Not again ...Not again

However, when her eyes focused, it wasn't the group of masked boys she was expecting or the tall snake like man in black robes. There stood a sixth year Slytherin, Alessandria Knott. Her and Averly were about the same height though, instead of snow white her hair fell in short black and unruly waves, her pupils a dark brown almost black encased in a slender almond shape.

Alessandria stood there with her hands in the air and a startled look in her eye.

"blimey! are you going to calm the hell down or are you going to stand there with your wand pointed at my face until the start of classes"

That seemed to snap Averly out of whatever trance she was in as she slowly lowered her wand.  Despite her face being rid of every emotion and her perfect unwavering posture, the quick rising and falling of her chest gave away the panic attack that was looming.  Sweat begun to glisten on her forehead and her hands trembled with an uncertain chaos.

Averly turned her back towards the Slytherin taking a deep breathe, holding herself together was only getting harder as the days went by.

"Hey, are you alright?"

feeling a hand land on her shoulder, Averly shrugged it off before whipping around.

"Im fine." she snapped glaring at the Knott girl. Alessandria stepped back at the sight of Averly's murderous gaze.

Alessandria slowly lowered her hands before carefully bending down to pick up the leather school bag that had fallen out of shock, her eyes never leaving Averlys shaking hands.

" I didn't mean to startle you, you sort of took my spot"

With a frown, the Malfoy girl saw Alessandria pull out her own pack of cigarettes and sit down on the grass
"you can join me if you'd like?"

Averly, still trembling with a sweat glistened forehead decided to take the seat next to her, if nothing else because she felt as if she was going to pass out and throw up all at once.

The two girls didn't speak one word to each other until it was time to go to the great hall for breakfast, and as much as Averly hated to admit it, it was nice. It was nice to not have to talk, to have to constantly reassure people that she was fine because, in her eyes, they didn't care enough about her to recognize that she was absolutely drowning in her own skin.

Sirius, Lee and Harry knew. While Averly was grateful to have the three of them, she couldn't even bring herself to thank them. She couldn't even bring herself to speak with them, especially Harry.

Averly couldn't stop thinking about the other night, how the masked students beat and defiled her, they tore her innocence away so violently, and she can't believe of all people that she went to the Potter boy. However, for some odd reason he's always the one she turns too- maybe one day she'd understand why, or maybe she wouldn't live long enough to find out, she surely didn't feel like she would.

Alessandria left twenty minutes prior, leaving Averly to sit in her thoughts and appreciate looking at the newly risen sun, how it's gold and amber rays slowly flooded the Hogwarts ground spreading its light from the horizon until it reached her covered toes then drenched her entire body in its warm light.

Her soft eyelids fluttered shut allowing herself a rare moment of unguarded peace, just a few moments before she would have to construct all of her walls for the day ahead.

Walls so high and so strong that no whispers of rumors, no masked assailants and no Harry Potter could penetrate it.

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