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The moment Harry had been hoping for too come around for the past two months was not nearly how he expected it too be.

Two sets of eyes - both hues of opposite, raw colors bore into each others with an utmost fury. Harry Potter's heavenly lip was curled in-between his teeth in annoyance and Averly Malfoy's desirable hands were curled into malevolent fists at her sides.

'How dare she'  he thought  'How dare she treat as if i'm only one of her suitors?'

'how could he?'  she wondered  'how could treat me as if i'm merely a stranger?'

Averly stood in defiant nature in front of him as if she was rooted to the soil, Her long legs had stretched during the summer falling elegantly from her maturely widened hips, her dainty waist lead up into the curves of her upper body as her snow like hair pooled down the back of her spine like a waterfall, the scent of tobacco and rosemary scented perfume engulfed his senses. Harry couldn't help but think, How could she possibly be so picturesque?

He loomed above her like the skyline to a lively city, his body no longer pudgy but lean and muscular just like a seeker should be, his shoulders had broadened just enough to fill out his jacket, his hair that fell in raven colored locks had been cut showing off the crimson scar that was etched into his pale skin on his forehead, his face framed by a symmetrical jawline contained the same toxic addictive lips, Why must you anger me? Averly thought harshly.

Flames raged amongst their stares fueled by a gasoline that came in the form of misery, but behind them was a dull humble roar - loneliness.

What a shame that they were too blinded by war and oblivious to how love worked too notice.

They stood facing one another in a hallway outside Ron's room in which they greeted one another, The weasleys had long ago scurried into the kitchen and it was only a matter of moments before Remus Lupin and Sirius Black was would come flowing through the door to greet their deceased best friends' only child.

Above the two, a loud cry was heard "A pity, i'm afraid i've got to abandon this disappointing and quite frankly nauseating acknowledgment. " Averly snapped swiftly turning on her heel.

Harrys ears tinted pink in the anger that harbored itself permanently within his blood, he nearly let out the bellowing shouts that threatened to erupt from his throat as he watched her retreat and enter the room in which contained Cetus Grey Malfoy.

Averly seemed to everybody a completely different person, her kindness had almost dissolved entirely into bitter attitude, her half-hearted jokes had turned into extended judgmental silences, The rare quirky responses she would once say were replaced by harsh tear-jerking remarks, Averly was simply too good with words. She was overwhelmed and frightened, she could no longer hide from the fact that Voldemort was back or that The Daily Prophet had been publishing false stories about her family that betrayed her.

Harry had been driven into near insanity due to the visions he saw leading straight to Voldemorts mind, everywhere he looked Cedric Diggory was lying dead in a pool of green light, The guilt and isolation had driven Harry to the brink of explosion, he couldn't control his emotions, his anger never seemed to leave unless it was spewing out of his sinful lips coldly, he hadn't a clue as too what was happening to him. The icy voice that destroyed his childhood lingered coyly in the back of his head telling him that perhaps he was as evil as his lightening bolt marking, Everything had changed.

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