Where am i?

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Harmui pov

I open my eyes no longer feeling the pain of the building that crashed on top of me the only thing I can remember was the heartbroken look Lloyd gave me...

I then look around expecting to be in the departed realm but I'm not?... instead I'm surrounded by fields of green grass and floating mountains.

"Where-where am i?"

"Hello princess harumi." I turn and my mouth opens to see the face of the first Spinjitzu master!

"The first Spinjitzu master..." I say bowing my head.

"You have done a lot of damage to the world that I created and you Resurrected my son when he was finnaly at peace." He says.

I look down in guilt feeling tears fall I just wanted my parents back, and I let my anger twords Lloyd and the ninja consume me after they failed to stop the great devourer...

I then brack down crying unable to hide my pain.

"Why?... why am I hear?, I should've just died!, I'm done terrible things!" I yell crying.

"Because my child you haven't forfilled your destiny, you may have done wrong but you can redeem yourself."

"How?..." i ask wiping my eyes.

"A darkness is growing in Ninjago, the darkness of garmadon has surfaced with in my grandson, something I never intended which is why I had offered him a choice to stay here with me.

I look at him in shock Lloyd has died before?

"Why didn't he stay?" I ask.

"Because he wanted to return to his friends and family, it was not my choice to make, but by doing so, the darkness grows with in him everyday and you harmui are his only hope.

I look at him in shock trying to process everything he's telling me.

"Me?..." I ask.

"Yes the fait of Ninjago of ninjago rest on your shoulders."

"But how?" I ask.

"You must kiss him."

My eyes go wide as my cheeks blush red.

"What!?, no way!, I'd rather die then kiss him!"

"If you refuse to kiss him, then that is your failure, I know your mad at him, but I know how you really feel, you just don't want to accept it."

I look down remembering how Lloyd was always there for me, Before he realized that I was really the quit one.

It would be nice to see him again... but how will he ever forgive me? What if I'm the reason he's growing darker.

"What is your decision?" He ask.

I turn and look at him with a small smile.

"I will go back, for Lloyd..."

He smiles placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Vary will, Lloyd's fait rest on your shoulders, I wish you good luck." He says smiling.

And before I know it everything go's dark as I feel the intense pain return as I wake up to see I'm inside a hospital.

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