The rise of the Golden Master

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The next day...

Harmui pov

I get dressed in simple jeans and a jade green shirt as I go outside to see Lloyd already waiting for me.

"Ready?" He ask smiling.

"Ready as I ever be." I tell him.

Lloyd summons his energy dragon getting on and then reaching down to take my hand like a gentleman.

I smile taking it as he helps me on his dragon, we fly off.

"So greenie where exactly are we going?" I ask curious.

"You'll see." He says smiling.


We soon arrive to Mega Monster Amusement park.

I gasp I've never actually been here before, but my parents had talked about us coming here before they died...

I sigh trying to not be angry at Lloyd I really am trying but it still hurts...

As Lloyd lands he immediately notices my sadness.

"Hey come on don't be sad, let's have fun." He says smiling that smile that always makes my heart melt.

I smile talking hold of his hand as he pays to get us in.

As where about to go on the different rides. I notice people giving me scared and angry looks.

Lloyd pov

I notice how everyone is looking at rumi afraid since her taking over the city with the sons of garmadon and my father is still on there minds.

She looks down like she's ready to start crying as I immediately take her hand leading her to the Fariswheel, getting inside I comfort her.

"Hey don't worry about them, you've changed your not the same person you once where."

Harmui pov

I look at Lloyd and smile sadly because in truth Lloyd is wrong I'm still the same heartbroken girl who lost her parents to the great devourer, the same girl who became the quite one and Resurrected lord garmadon, the same girl who wanted more then any thing to see Lloyd dead...

I look away trying to not cry a part of me still absolutely hates him but the other part of me wants to move on, to forgive him, to love him...

I'm shocked when suddenly I feel Lloyd embrace me making my cheeks turn red.

"It's okay to cry you know?... you don't always have to act like it doesn't hurt you because I know it dose."

I then feel tears stream down my cheeks as I hug him back tightly getting his shirt wet but he continues hugging me.

"It's okay Harmui you don't have to be alone anymore, I'll always be here for you."

I look into his eyes wanting nothing more then to tackle him and slam my lips on to his, to give him all my love and passion, but I can't...

I still can't bring myself to fully forgiven him...

Lloyd pov

When we get off the Fariswheel we walk in silence neather saying anything to the other.

What can I do to make her feel better?...

I then notice one of the game booths has a green stoved bear.

"Hang on just a sec rumi." I say

I pick up the toy rifle to hit the moving targets, i smile it's a good thing I have good eye sight and am a good shot as I hit all three targets.

"Yes!" I say excited as the elderly man hands me the bear.

"Here you go rumi." I say smiling handing her the bear.

Harmui looks at it for a moment stunned before smiling and taking it.

"Thanks Lloyd..." She says hugging it.

I smile and blush glad I was able to make her happy as we continue walking.

As where about to head home I feel the pain of stinging wasp and biting spiders return worst then ever as I fall to my knees holding my head on the verge of screaming as i feel the darkness completely take over as my eyes glow bright turning to the girl who coused me so much pain...

Harmui pov

I walk deep in thought and look down at the stoved bear Lloyd won for me and smile.

Maybe I should just admit I have feelings for him...

Then suddenly the ground begens to shack violently.

"What the?...


I turn sharply to Lloyd his eyes glowing purple burning with rage as the sky begins to turn dark as lightning strikes the ground around us, people scream running away as far as they can to avoid his wrath.

"No..." I say backing up holding the bear close feeling fear consume me.

Lloyd then turns to me growling showing his teeth.

As he comes closer I remember the words of the first first Spinjitzu master.

"If you refuse to kiss him, then that is your failure, I know your mad at him, but I know how you really feel, you just don't want to accept it."

In that moment I accept that despite how much we have hurt each other, I am in love with Lloyd and this my chance to save him...

Lloyd charges up energy blasting at me but I quickly dodge the attack which only angers him more.

"Lloyd snap out of it!" I shout trying to get closer to kiss him as the wind gets worse.

"There is no Lloyd, there is only the golden master!"

And with that Lloyd blast me with his powers as everything goses dark...

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