The coming darkness

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Sensei wu pov

I meditate in my room enjoying the peace but am shocked as I'm shown shocking images of the future and hear a voice, the voice of my father...

The Prophecy of the golden master remains unfulfilled, the venom of the devourer flows throw his blood, you can not stop the coming storm but SHE has the power to save the world.

As the voice fades I open my eyes deeply concerned...

Harmui pov

I set at the table eating breakfast with everyone not talking.

"You okay Harmui?, your being vary quite." Cole ask pouring syrup on his pancakes.

I look over at Lloyd who is looking at me worried like he doesn't remember anything from last night...

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just not hungry..., I'll be in the shower if anyone needs me..."

As I turn on the warm water and begin washing my hair I can't help but feel really mad at Lloyd.

He tried to rap me..., what the hell was going throw his mind? Its like for a moment he became an entirely different person...

As I exit the shower and dry my self off I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey Harmui Sensei wu would like a word with everyone." Nya says.

"Okay I'm coming." I say getting dressed as I go see what the Sensei wants.

"You wanted to see us uncle?" Lloyd ask

"Yes set down all of you..." he says with his back turned.

"Students I've had a vision, the course of the golden master is not what we believed to be, it is not the overlord.

We all freeze as I turn to Lloyd who looks ready to panick.

"But-but that means it's me!" Lloyd yells as nya and Kai comfort him.

"There is no evidence of that, I am not certain who it is..."

I glare at wu not believing him, he knows exactly what is going on...

"I want you all training to be ready for this threat, any questions?" He ask.

"Yes, may I speak with you alone for a moment?" I ask.

"Of couse." He says as everyone leaves the room.

"Why did you just lie to them, you know exactly what's happening to Lloyd don't you?" I ask.

"He attacked you last night didn't he?" Wu ask completely surprising me.

"Y-yes he did..." I say.

"That wasn't Lloyd..." he says.

But who or what was it?"

Wu looks down sighing.

"The venom of the snake that corrupted my brother and killed your parents is inside Lloyd..."

I gasp when he says that.

"B-but how?" I ask.

"Passed down from my brother, the venom it corrupts the heart and manipulates his wants and desires.

"Harmui my father keept you alive for a reason, I don't know the exact details but I know your destiny is to save my nephew.

"But why me?" I ask.

"Because he loves you."

My cheeks turn as red as kai's Gi.

"N-no that can't be true, not after everything I did to him."

"There are many different forms of passion but only one love, and Lloyd loves you.

I look down in shock I always knew Lloyd had a crush on me and i pretend to like him back, at lest at first...

No I can't be in love with Lloyd he killed your parents it's all his fault!" I tell my self holding back tears.

"Harumi... many parents and there children will fall if you can't let go of your anger."

I sigh looking down but knowing that for all of ninjago I have to try to let go of my anger and hate twords Lloyd if I'm to save him and this would...

"I know it's hard for you, and it will take time but you must let go of the past, accept it and move on, only then can you be truly happy." Wu says taking a sip of tea.

I sigh looking down unsure of what to do...

I know I have to kiss him but... it feels wrong because I'm not even sure how I feel about Lloyd, sometimes I really thank i love him and other times I just want to see him dead, and it's like there forcing me to be with him, despite how much pain we've put on each other this is all just so missed up...

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