Harmui alive...

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Misako pov

I go into the kitchen to see everyone eating as I set down wu notices how concerned I am.

"Misako what is it?"

I look over at my son who is eating pancakes, I know how much harmui Mint to Lloyd but she nearly killed him, what If she hurts him again?

I sigh remembing how I did forgive garmadon for everything he did including changing the letter that had been written by wu...

He needs to know, they all do...

"Everyone there is something you need to know.

"What is it Misako?" Nya ask.

"The hospital just called... the former jade princess harumi... she was found and she is alive..."

Everyone gasp while Lloyd looks at me in shock.

"But-but how!? She got crushed by a building, no one can survive that!" 

"Perhaps there is more to her then meets the eye." Wu says

Lloyd immediately stands up running out of the Monastery, summoning his dragon and flying off.

We waich as Lloyd leaves almost overjoyed but I can't help but worry...

"Be careful son..."

Lloyd pov

I fly to the hospital as fast as possible unable to believe it to be true.

Harmui, the girl who stole and then shattered my heart is alive

I'm not even sure how to feel about this, happy, sad? angry? All of them?

But however I feel I just want to see her again and at lest try to make peace with her...

As I land outside the hospital and go inside to the front disk.

"Can I help you?" A nurse ask.

"I-im here to see Harumi jade."

"Okay, this way." She says as I follow her.

The nurse opens the door as I look to see the face of a girl I never thought I'd see again...


Harmui pov


I look up to see Lloyd looking at me with mixed emotions in his face.

I glare still angry at him despite what the first Spinjitzu master told me...

"You have no right to call me that Lloyd!" I yell crossing my arms looking away.

"I'm glad your okay..." he says looking down sad.

I frown feeling guilt take me, he did come to see me after all.

"I-im sorry I didn't mean to yell..." I say looking down.

Lloyd takes a set next to my hospital bed.

"How did you survive?" He ask.

I look down wondering if I should tell him how I met his grandfather and how I'm supposed to kiss him...

"I... I don't know, I just woke up and here I am." I say smiling.

"Ru-harmui i... I'm sorry." He says a tear falling down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I know it won't bring back your parents but I am truly sorry, I know you won't forgive me, but... I just wanted you to know..."

I look down wiping away tears, I still haven't forgiven him, how am I supposed to save him if I can't even let go of my anger twords him.

But I also owe him an apology, for all the pain I did couse him...

"And I'm sorry to... I know you or your friends won't ever trust me again, but I'm sorry you were right, bringing garmadon back didn't didn't feel the emptiness in my heart, I just wanted my parents..."

I then feel Lloyd put his hand in mine, as I look into his green eyes finding myself getting lost in them, i blush quickly turning away.

"Princess Harumi jade..." We turn to see the police commissioner with two guards.

I look down knowing that this was going to happen...

"Princess you are under arrest for Resurrecting lord garmadon and
nearly destroying Ninjago."

I nod looking down not even going to try to fight them rasing my hands.

"Wait hold on commissioner, you can't arrest her, her record's already have her listed as dead, I'll waich over her." He says shocking me.

"Lloyd she Resurrected your father!, why are you defending her?" He ask clearly angry.

I also am curious as to why he is as will.

"Because she has changed, she saved a family from being crashed by a building." He defends.

"Saving one family is not equal to all the others she hurt and killed!" He says.

"Come on commissioner, she won't couse anymore trouble I promise, I'll waich over her."

The commissioner looks down before turning to me.

"Fine, but you must wear a cuff so we can keep track of you, if your more then thirty feet away from him it's off to Kryptarium with you."

I nod happy at lest I'm not going to prison.

"So what now?" I ask

"Your staying with me."

"What!?, no thanks." I say not wanting to deal with the other ninja.

"Sorry princess, you don't have a choice." He says pointing to cuff on my leg making me glare at him.

"Fine..., but I still don't like it.

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