dark Lloyd

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Lloyd pov

"Nope! No way Lloyd!" Kai yells as harumi looks down in guilt.

"I know i caused you all trouble and im sorry, please..." She ask as i turn to my uncle and mom.

"If you wish to redeem your self you must prove it, but yes you may stay." My uncle says as i smile.

"What!?" The others yell.

"But sensei she's the reason we were sent to the first realm, shes the reason why garmadon is back!" Kai yells pointing at her.

"Skylor then grabs kai by his arm as they speck in private

Kai pov

"Skylor she's evil, I'm not trust her!"

"I'm not saying you have to Kai, but you should give her a chance to prove her self, you did for me." She says.

"That was different..."

"No it wasn't." She says glaring.

I sigh looking down.

"Okay fine ill give her a chance, but she has to earn it." I say sternly.

She smiles kissing my cheek as we rejoin the others.

Lloyd pov

"Alright harmui listen i still don't trust you, but everyone should have a second chance, it will take time but me and skyler will give you a chance." Kai says.

The others stare at him in shock but i smile glad that at lest those two will give her a chance.

"If she truly wants to change, I agree with Kai, we should give her a chance." Zane says.

I smile turning to Cole, Jay and nya who seem hesitant but nod.

Harmui pov

I smile determined to get there trust back.

One week later...

I chop vegetables In the kitchen with Zane and pixel helping them make dinner, it's taking more time with nya and jay, but cole, kai and the others are slowly beginning to trust me again and then there's Lloyd...

I haven't really spoken much to him over the past week, but I have been keeping a close eye on him for anything that Lloyd would not normally do...

Later that night...

Lloyd pov

"Argh ahh!" I groan holding my head in pain as I fall on my bed.

"Ahh grrr!" I open my eyes as they glow purple...

Harmui pov

I wake up seeing its only two thirty in the morning feeling hungry I deside to get something to eat.

I head into the kitchen and make my self an after midnight snack I then can't help but notice an Eerie purple light coming from none other then Lloyd's room...

Concerned I gently knock on his door.

"Lloyd?" I ask getting no answer.

I open the door to see Lloyd on the floor holding his face as he makes a growling sound.

"Lloyd... are you okay?"

I gently place my hand on his shoulder before he violently tackles me.

"Lloyd what is wrong with you!?, let go of me!"

I then freeze looking onto his eyes to see there not his normal green but glowing a bright purple.


"Hahaha, why don't we have some fun..." he says smiling a vary not Lloyd smile.

Lloyd then trys to take off my ground and with that I deliver a hard kick to his face.

"Serves you right!" I say angry.

"Grrr..." Lloyd turns to me his face now filled with rage and anger like a predator about to eat its prey!"

"Lloyd stop!" I say backing up to the wall.

"Hahaha..." he laughs coming closer.

"Where do you thank your going!?" He ask snarling grabbing me roughly by my arms.

But before he can do anything to me Lloyd's eye's stop glowing returning to there original green.

"Uh What-what happened and why dose my face hurt?" He ask holding the cheek I kicked.

"Harmui?..." he ask realizing I'm here.

Lloyd pov

I look down to see Harumi laying on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask trying to help her up.

"Don't toach me!" She shouts smacking my hand and leaving my room.

I stand here completely confused the only thing I can remember was feeling my whole body in pain and then everything went blank the next I'm standing above harmui.

"Did I hurt her?..." I ask my self scared.

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