the beginning of the end...

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Sensei wu pov

I gasp opening my eyes as i run out of my room to see the sky turned black and lightning.

As the ground shakes around us.

"What the!?.... What's happening!?" Jay yells panicking.

"I don't know!" Nya shouts.

"It's not me doing this!" Cole shouts throw the vibration.

"It's Lloyd..." I say as they gasp.

"The rule of the golden master has begun..."

Golden master pov

"Hahaha!!, soon this realm will be mine, and no one can stop me!" I smile.

But in order for my rule to be absolute I need the golden weapons to restore my armor which is stored at the ninja hide out in the Monastery...

Nya pov

We immediately ran into the hanger under the temple as pixel hits a button revealing the golden weapons of Spinjitzu.

"The golden weapons?, why would Lloyd want them?" I ask confused.

"Its not the weapons he wants but what they can become, he wants them to restore the armor of the golden master...

"What do we do?, Lloyd's are friend." Jay says.

"The Lloyd we knew no longer exists, and the only one who can stop Lloyd is harmui."

"What?, how and why?" Jay ask

"Because my father chose her, I don't know why, but harmui may be our only hope to save ninjago..."

"Wait wasn't she and Lloyd out on a date?"

"Cole you and Jay will search for her, kai, Zane, skylor and me will stay to defend the golden weapons.

"What about us?" I ask.

"You and pixel must take the golden weapons and get as far away from here as possible, if Lloyd gets them and restores the golden armor he will be unstoppable."

"Everyone be careful and may the first Spinjitzu master guide us." Wu says

"Ninja-go!" We yell as me and pixel grab the weapons and flee the Monastery.

Harmui pov

"Agh, ow!" I wake holding my arm in pain.

"Its okay your highness, your safe." I open my eyes and almost scream to see I'm surrounded by serpentine!!

"Ahh, stay back!" I yell.

"It is alright we mean you no harm, it was we who saved you."

I then remember how me and Lloyd were together having fun, and he even won me a stuffed bear before he snapped and went supernova on me.

"No..." I say holding my face.

"It's all my fault, I wasn't strong enough, I couldn't get close enough to him to save him..." I say crying.

"Your highness there was nothing you could have done..."

"Please I'm not the jade princess anymore..., it's just Harumi.

"Will harmui my name is Scales, this is Acidicus, Fangtom and skalidor."

"Thank you for saving me..." I say trying to smile.

"There is nothing to stop The golden master from destroying Ninjago and the other realms..."

"No I know I can save him, Lloyd is still in there, I know it, I've already lost my parents because of the devourer, I'm not losing Lloyd to!" I say getting up.

"We will help you, harmui, thow we fear there is nothing that can stop the golden master from destroying everything."

"No there is a way, one way..." I say smiling.

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