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"...Insult me. Deny me. C'mon, you know I love a good game of cat and mouse..."


My room was practically pitch black. The only light that illuminated the space radiated from my TV screen. A stupid, cheesy slasher film was on. Although stupid, I couldn't help but be entertained from underneath the mountains of blankets that buried my body.

I was transfixed by the movie playing. Nothing mattered to me at that moment except whether the final girl who ran around her house like a headless chicken would escape the slasher's hands.

Which seemed increasingly unlikely! I mean he was right behind her, and she was clueless about his presence! I grumbled under my breath, cursing at the final girl's obliviousness as my hand raked the bottom of the popcorn bowl. All I could feel were the kernels and the smooth plastic of the bottom of the bowl.

I wanted to smash my head against the wall at the feeling. I had run out of popcorn already, and my movie wasn't even close to the climax; let alone, the finale!

I struggled to free myself from my prison of blankets. My limbs stretched out and tore each layer of blanket off one by one, yet it seemed the blankets covering my body were never-ending. It was like I was the pea from that one fairy-tale, smooshed by hundreds of mattresses.

Eventually, I was able to free myself from my cocoon of comfort. My legs felt numb as I swung them to the edge of my bed, and dug my toes into the course carpet that decorated my floor. With a wabble in my steps, I began to exit my room and stroll downstairs to the kitchen.

As I stepped into the hallway I noticed the light from my sister's open door pouring out onto the floor. What was she doing with her lights on at this time of night? With curious steps, I moved in front of her open doorframe to find Tatum perched on her vanity, applying makeup onto her face. I raised an eyebrow at the scene. Why would she possibly be putting on makeup at this time of night?

"What are you doing? It's like 1 am right now," I leaned against the frame as I crossed my arms.

Tatum turned to me with an eye roll, and half an eyelid covered in a bright blue eyeshadow, "Stu's coming over." I mouthed an 'Oh' at her words as I realized her intentions with the makeup. A sly grin stretched across my face, "Wear a condom. Don't want you getting pregnant on us at your age." She threw a hairbrush at me from her vanity as I laughed at the annoyed look she gave me, "Shut up!"

With a catch of the brush, I turned away from the bright room with a laugh and continued my way downstairs to the kitchen. As I took steps down the carpeted stairway, my thoughts trailed back to Tatum and Stu. Stu was a good friend of mine. He had been ever since he gave me a copy of 'It' on DVD in the 6th grade. He had recently started dating my sister which at first was incredibly awkward. Especially since I had been crushing on him since freshman year, but with it turning out that basically every other night I would find a shirtless Stu lingering around the house, the awkwardness slipped away. Seeing a hot guy shirtless was one thing. Seeing a hot guy shirtless in my house that I had a massive crush on something was another, and I would be damned if I didn't take advantage of the situation.

𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 , 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 Where stories live. Discover now