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"... It's you. It's always been you..."


The sun was bright. To the point it would've blinded me if it wasn't for the giant of a man in-front of me. I thanked the universe for making Stu so tall. It was useful in moments like these.

The two of us had walked around the winding, sidewalk path as we waited for Billy. He had instructed both of us previously to wait to meet him at the video store. As of right now, we were doing the waiting part which was no fun. Even with Stu which says a lot, in my opinion.

My impatience was killing me. Questions were sprouting in my mind every passing second. Why the video store? What did he want to talk about? Was it about the party? Was it about me? And that was just the least of my vast amount of questions.

I duh my foot into the heel of my shoe as I yawned, "What's even taking Billy sooo long?"

"Patience, baby. Patience." Stu taunted at me.

"Suck my dick, Stuart."

Stu craned his head back as he laughed at my words. His laugh made a small chuckle escape past my lips.

He turned to me as he clutched my hands in his. The action made my hands tingle. I've had my dreams about holding hands with Stu Macher, but for it to happen, even for just a minute, was sending me into a frenzy.

He sent me a million dollar winning smile, "Guess."

I raised my brows at Stu. If he wanted me to guess, then I would guess, but I was determined to get it right. I wasn't sure why we were going there with the new aura of mysteriousness surrounding Stu and Billy that made me unsure of everything I once knew of the two. I mean, if they had asked me in the past, I would've known why; to get horror movies but now? The only inkling I could have of what it could possibly be for is murder.

"To get a movie?"


A smile etched itself onto my face, "Wait, really?"

"Yeah, we're getting Halloween for my party tomorrow." Stu swung me around as he let out small chortles of laughter. My disbelief was overwhelming. There was no way this wasn't linked to their murders, "And nothing else?"

Stu shot me a hesitant look, but didn't say anything. I guess I had to wait to see what the video store meeting was about since Stu had informed me we had to wait since Billy had some 'business' to finish. I had my suspicions about this 'business,' knowing that Billy was a homicidal psycho, but I refused to let that get in the way of my time with Stu. I needed answers from him that, I know for a fact, Billy would never let me in on. Not to mention, despite him also being a homicidal psycho, I still liked him.

Pathetic, I know, but if you had a tall, funny, extremely handsome guy in your grasp would you care if he happened to dabble in murder?

I for one didn't. Okay, that's a lie. I did. But at that moment, I didn't. I was far too distracted by Stu's courtship to care about his blood-drenched hands.

𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 , 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 Where stories live. Discover now